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Showing posts with the label multipleiras

How many Roth IRAs can you have?

There are many people calling and emailing jazz wealth these days and I have to say you all are very creative and dedicated to your retirement investments. The first question from people is, can I have a 401k at work and also a Roth IRA on the side? The answer is yes you can. Having a 401k at work and a Roth IRA with your own retirement investments are very complimentary. Having a Roth allows you more flexibility than a 401k, but of course if the 401k offers you a match then you have to start there. The next retirement investing question I get the most of is, can I have more than one Roth? Many times people open one and contribute the max amount. The next logical step is to open another Roth IRA and contribute to that one as well. While you can have multiple IRA's, you need to stay within the max contribution as a combined total. We're an investing service that also helps you keep your dough straight. We'll manage your retirement investments and, using Nest...