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Showing posts with the label networth

如何选择Roth 401K和传统401K?如何选择Roth 401K和Roth IRA?(第322期)

大家好!“美国退休账户详解” (All About Retirement Accounts)这套课程终于上线啦!被大家呼吁了2年多,我终于克服了拖延症把这套课程做出来啦! 购买链接如下: 别忘了用 coupon code “MONEY322”,获取50%的折扣! 这套课程分40个小节,涉及了美国常见退休账户的方方面面。有基础知识,比如401K和IRA的区别,Backdoor IRA如何操作;也有实操中常见的细节问题,例如Roth IRA存多了怎么办?留学生要回国了401K怎么办?Backdoor操作的时候被扣税了怎么办? 内容以我频道里的原视频为骨架,补充了视频没有的知识点,整合加工完成。我在整套课程里有意地把知识点串联梳理起来,由浅入深、系统地呈现给大家。作比较、列数据、讲实操、作总结,同一个知识点在不同场合反复出现,我就从不同的角度反复地说它。保证你在看完这套课程之后能把之前一些似懂非懂模模糊糊的概念全部吃的透透的。(第315期“Mega Backdoor”就是课程的节选,想要了解课程风格的朋友欢迎试听第315期) 每一个必要的场合都配了例子,每个例子都配了数字。该有的图表,分析等等都给它配起来。涉及计算的时候拿数字说话,还融合了原频留言区的观众留言(有观众提的好问题也有有价值的补充)。 我对这套课程的内容非常有信心,希望能够帮到有需要的朋友! 购买链接如下: 别忘了用 coupon code “MONEY322”,获取50%的折扣! 大纲如下: 前言 1. 401K 1.1 什么是401K 1.2. How does 401K plans Work 1.3. Contributing to a 401K 1.4. How does a 401K make money 1.5. Withdrawals from 401K 1.6. 离职之后401K 的match问题 1.7. 离职之后401K怎么处理 1.8 Roth 401K里面雇主match的钱是税前的还是税后的 1.9. 401K Loan 1.10. Traditional 401K Vs. Roth 401K 2. 回国之后退休账户怎么办? 3. IRA 3.1. IRA 简介 3.2. 什么是Earned i...

The Median Net Worth at Age 62

This video discloses the average net worth by age 62 for an American two different ways. We're all consumed by averages and benchmarks. They help us make sense of the world around us and are sometimes just good fun. In this video, I discuss the average net worth of a 62 year old by both mean and median. At the end I also show you what the top 1% has as their net worth and how most of them got there - you can't invest your way to that number! Don't forget to subscribe! Important Links: Federal Reserve Board Survey of Consumer Finances: Social Security Administration Application for Benefits Current Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment Social Security Payment Estimator THE CHANNEL’S MOST POPULAR VIDEOS Should You Take Social Security at Age 62 and Invest it? 7 GOOD REASONS to File for Social Security Benefits at Age 62 Average Retirement Savings by Age 60. Are You Almost Ready to Retire?!? The BEST AGE to File for Social Security Retiremen...

Unveiling the Enigma: Mitt Romney's Roth IRA worth $100,000,000

#mittromney The news outlets are going crazy over Mitt Romney's mysterious $100,000,000 Roth IRA. How could an IRA with a maximum yearly contribution of $6,000 grow to contain $100 million? How exactly has Mitt Romney built his incredible wealth? Today you're going to learn about the power of building wealth inside of a self-directed IRA. I'm sharing the secrets of Mitt Romney's $100,000,000 Roth IRA, how to make smart retirement and tax choices, and what you need to do to build your own wealth! Download our FREE Freedom Number Cheat Sheet here ➜ Read Our Best Selling Book “How to Pay Off Your Mortgage in 5 Years” ➜ Ready to buy your first rental property? Book a 30 Minute call with our team ➜ Subscribe to this channel for more great tips ➜ Want Funding For Your Real Estate? ➜ Love podcasts? 🎧 Listen to our award winning Investing in Real Estate Podcast ➜ Apple Podcasts: 🎧 Follow me on Instagram! Instagram: Want to Get...

How to climb the Retirement Ladder in the right order (FIRE system explained)

In this video, I will show you the right order to invest into tax-advantaged retirement accounts including 401K, Roth IRA and HSA and how you can contribute to them using the Backdoor Roth and Mega Backdoor Roth conversion trick even if you're over the income limit. By following what I'm about to teach you, you can save up to $66K a year and retire early as a millionaire. 0:00 Start Here 2:09 Step 1: Pre-tax 401K w/ Employer Match 3:08 Step 2: HSA (Heath Savings Account) 5:39 Step 3: Rest of Pre-tax 401K 7:43 Step 4: Backdoor Roth IRA 10:42 Step 5: Mega Backdoor Roth 401K 15:09 Final Thoughts ***RECOMMENDATIONS*** Compounding interest calculator: Roth IRA early withdraw criteria: What Video to Watch Next? Mint & Personal Capital Comparison: Save $350+ a year on Energy by using OmhConnect: How to Maximize Chase Points by Redeeming a Hyatt Hotel: _________ ***DISCLAIMER*** This content for my video is for education and entertainment purposes only. Yo...

How to Set up Mega Backdoor Roth with Vanguard (in plan conversion method step-by-step)

In the recent presidential debate, NY Times has reported that Trump only paid $750 in federal income taxes in 2017. So in today's video, I'm going to talk about what a Mega Backdoor Roth is (which is one of the biggest tax hack), its eligibility criteria and a detailed walk-through on how to set it up at Vanguard via its Roth In-plan Conversion. You can also deploy the same strategy with Charles Schwab or Fidelity if they are your employer retirement sponsor. I would recommend Mega Backdoor only if you have already max'ed out pre-tax 401K, HSA or Roth IRA (you can check out details in this video: 0:00 Intro 1:24 What is Mega Backdoor Roth 1:54 Difference between Pre-tax, Roth and After-tax 401K 4:52 Eligibility Criteria 6:16 How to Set Up via Vanguard (Roth in-plan conversion) ***RECOMMENDATIONS*** What Video to Watch Next? Right order to contribute to 401K, IRA, and HSA: How to Set up Backdoor Roth: Mega Backdoor Roth via In-service Distribution: ________...