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Strike by Old Pension Scheme: 1.9 Million Government Employees Affected in the State | Marathi News

19 lakh government and semi-government employees in the state will go on indefinite strike from today. As the meeting held with Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Monday failed, the employees are adamant on the strike. This includes Govt Semi Govt Teachers Non-Teachers Employees. Government employees have become aggressive to demand old pension. The employees have demanded that the old pension scheme should be implemented. However, the state government refused to implement this scheme. ą¤°ाą¤œ्ą¤Æाą¤¤ą¤²ीą¤² 19 ą¤²ाą¤– ą¤øą¤°ą¤•ाą¤°ी ą¤†ą¤£ि ą¤Øिą¤®ą¤øą¤°ą¤•ाą¤°ी ą¤•ą¤°्ą¤®ą¤šाą¤°ी ą¤†ą¤œą¤Ŗाą¤øूą¤Ø ą¤¬ेą¤®ुą¤¦ą¤¤ ą¤øंą¤Ŗाą¤µą¤° ą¤œाą¤£ाą¤° ą¤†ą¤¹ेą¤¤. ą¤øोą¤®ą¤µाą¤°ी ą¤®ुą¤–्ą¤Æą¤®ंą¤¤्ą¤°ी ą¤ą¤•ą¤Øाą¤„ ą¤¶िंą¤¦े, ą¤‰ą¤Ŗą¤®ुą¤–्ą¤Æą¤®ंą¤¤्ą¤°ी ą¤¦ेą¤µेंą¤¦्ą¤° ą¤«ą¤”ą¤£ą¤µीą¤ø ą¤Æांą¤š्ą¤Æाą¤øोą¤¬ą¤¤ ą¤ाą¤²ेą¤²ी ą¤¬ैą¤ ą¤• ą¤Øिą¤·्ą¤«ą¤³ ą¤ ą¤°ą¤²्ą¤Æाą¤Øे ą¤•ą¤°्ą¤®ą¤šाą¤°ी ą¤øंą¤Ŗाą¤µą¤° ą¤ ाą¤® ą¤†ą¤¹ेą¤¤. ą¤Æाą¤®ą¤§्ą¤Æे ą¤øą¤°ą¤•ाą¤°ी ą¤Øिą¤® ą¤øą¤°ą¤•ाą¤°ी ą¤¶िą¤•्ą¤·ą¤• ą¤¶िą¤•्ą¤·ą¤•ेą¤¤ą¤° ą¤•ą¤°्ą¤®ą¤šाą¤±्ą¤Æांą¤šा ą¤øą¤®ाą¤µेą¤¶ ą¤†ą¤¹े. ą¤œुą¤Ø्ą¤Æा ą¤Ŗेą¤Ø्ą¤¶ą¤Øą¤š्ą¤Æा ą¤®ाą¤—ą¤£ीą¤øाą¤ ी ą¤øą¤°ą¤•ाą¤°ी ą¤•ą¤°्ą¤®ą¤šाą¤°ी ą¤†ą¤•्ą¤°ą¤®ą¤• ą¤ाą¤²े ą¤†ą¤¹े. ą¤œुą¤Øी ą¤Ŗेą¤Ø्ą¤¶ą¤Ø ą¤Æोą¤œą¤Øा ą¤²ाą¤—ू ą¤•ą¤°ाą¤µी ą¤…ą¤¶ी ą¤®ाą¤—ą¤£ी ą¤•ą¤°्ą¤®ą¤šाą¤±्ą¤Æांą¤Øी ą¤²ाą¤µूą¤Ø ą¤§ą¤°ą¤²ी ą¤†ą¤¹े. ą¤®ाą¤¤्ą¤°, ą¤°ाą¤œ्ą¤Æ ą¤øą¤°ą¤•ाą¤°ą¤Øे ą¤¹ी ą¤Æोą¤œą¤Øा ą¤²ाą¤—ू ą¤•ą¤°ą¤£्ą¤Æाą¤ø ą¤Øą¤•ाą¤° ą¤¦ि...