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Showing posts with the label news24

Proposed Change in Inherited IRA Distribution Rules by IRS

The passing of the 2019 Secure Act changed the rules about when non-spouse beneficiaries must begin taking money from inherited retirement accounts. Starting in 2020, instead of stretching withdrawals over your lifetime, most investors inheriting an IRA from a parent were subject to a new "10 year rule." This meant annual required minimum distributions (RMDs) were out. Instead, beneficiaries had to take the money - in full - in 10 years. In early 2022, the IRS proposed new changes, and if enacted, some inherited IRA beneficiaries will need to take RMDs again and could face big penalties. Unless a non-spouse beneficiary qualifies for an exception¹, previous guidance stipulated that funds from an inherited 401(k), IRA, 403(b), or other qualified retirement plan (including Roth IRAs) must be taken in 10 years following the year of death. Original guidance indicated disbursements within this 10-year window were optional. Now, proposed regulations from the IRS further co...

IRS Announces 2021 Retirement Plan Contribution Limits For 401ks And

How much can you save for retirement in 2021 in tax-advantaged accounts? How does $58,000 sound? The Treasury Department has announced inflation-adjusted figures for retirement account savings for 2021. The basic salary deferral amount for 401(k) and similar workplace plans remains flat at $19,500; the $6,500 catch-up amount if you’re 50 or older also remains the same; but the overall limit for these plans goes up from $57,000 to $58,000 in 2021. That helps workers whose employers allow special after-tax salary deferrals, and self-employed folks who can save to the limit in solo or individual 401(k)s or SEP retirement plans. For the rest of us, IRA contribution limits are flat. The amount you can contribute to an Individual retirement account stays the same for 2021: $6,000, with a $1,000 catch-up limit if you’re 50 or older. There’s a little good news for IRA savers. You can earn a little more and get to deduct your IRA contributions. Plus, the phase-out income limits for ...