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Showing posts with the label optionstrading101

Top-Rated App for Option Trading

In this video, I'll be talking about the 3 criteria to look for when choosing a brokerage to trade options at, such as what kinds of trading analytics you need in order to make smart, safe, income-generating options trades, how the fees and commissions work, and some other important factors that can make or break your options trading side hustle. And of course, I'll also share what app I use and is what I consider THE BEST one for trading options! ***ATTENTION: I have a new Instagram and TikTok handle @itsrosehan *** That's my official account, and I will NEVER message you about investment schemes, so please be careful and block & report any scammers posing as me. TIMESTAMPS: 0:01:30 - Which options trading analytics you need your brokerage to have 0:02:17 - "In the money" options explained 0:03:29 - "Out of the money" options explained 0:04:50 - "Probability of Success" explained 0:06:05 - "IV Percentile" explaine...

The Way I Make $400 a Day on the Side

Spilling the tea on my options trading side hustle! And when I say SIDE hustle, I really do mean side hustle - I don't spend hours and hours of my week on this. I check in maybe once or twice a day for 15 minutes max. Although I don't place trades every day, on the days that I do I can usually bring in $400 or more. OPTIONS TRADING STARTER KIT: ***ATTENTION: I have a new Instagram and TikTok handle @itsrosehan *** That's my official account, and I will NEVER message you about investment schemes, so please be careful and block & report any scammers posing as me. __________ ***BOOKS I RECOMMEND 📚*** I Will Teach You to Be Rich (hilarious how-to book on personal finance for millennials) The Little Book of Common Sense Investing (Jack Bogle's classic advice on index funds) InvestED (step-by-step, millennial-friendly advice on how to pick stocks like Warren Buffett) Unshakeable (this book = courage. blast ALL the fears & misconcept...