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Showing posts with the label parentalalienationlosingcustody

I think my spouse is alienating my children from me. What can I do? - Parental Alienation

Some experts say parental, or child, alienation happens routinely in high conflict divorces, while others experts say it's rare. More commonly, a child rejects a parent when a number of factors involving both parents' behaviours exist. An alienated child expresses persistent unreasonably negative feelings and beliefs, even fear and hatred, towards a parent that they had a previously healthy relationship with. Conversely, an estranged child's refusal to see a parent may be reasonable because that parent has parenting capacity issues such as anger management, substance abuse or mental health issues. Don't delay, immediate legal intervention to counsel the family and, in severe cases, to even reverse custody is key. Remember, an alienated child does not just have an unhealthy relationship with the rejected parent they have an equally unhealthy relationship with the custodial parent.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERTING IRA TO...