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Understanding the Path to Prosperity: Accountant Unveils the Secrets of a 401k

ACCOUNTANT EXPLAINS: Path to Prosperity | Unlocking the Magic of a 401k 00:00 Intro 01:57 Ingredients to a 401k plan 03:06 Early withdrawal penalties 04:03 Let your money grow 07:57 How much should you contribute? 11:42 Real examples of investments and their outcome 12:06 401k calculator 12:20 Assumptions 12:40 $35k salary, 1% contribution, start at age 26 14:45 $35k salary, 4% contribution, start at age 26 15:43 $55k salary, 1% contribution, start at age 26 16:06 $55k salary, 4% contribution, start at age 26 17:13 $100k salary, 4% contribution, start at age 26 MILLIONAIRE STATUS 18:05 Investing in your 30s. It's not too late. 19:28 $55k salary, 4% contribution, start at age 35 20:06 $100k salary, 4% contribution, start at age 35 20:27 $100k salary, 4% contribution, start at age 40 21:00 $100k salary, 22.5% contribution ($22,500 max for 2023), start at age 40 MILLIONAIRE STATUS... ( read more ) LEARN MORE...