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Roth IRA vs Traditional IRA–How to Decide

Episode 9: When it comes to investment advice, it's usually NOT FREE. And implementing the right investment plan on your own can often be confusing and feel like a complicated subject. But for once, you're about to get free information from a reputable financial advisor and it's simple advice that you can act on immediately and implement on your own with ease. Learn this simple formula to calculate if a Roth or Traditional IRA is a better investment vehicle to help build wealth. And if you realize you've picked the wrong investment vehicle as of today, you can convert it. Interview with #Paul J #Paquin at Golden Financial Services / #Randy #Luebke – Independent Fiduciary Financial Advisor. Randy Luebke shares a secret of Wall Street, including a glimpse of what's in his book – The Business Owner's Guide to Financial Freedom: What Wall Street Isn't Telling You. Traditional: Invest 100% of your money, and the money grows tax-deferred, but when ...