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Showing posts with the label pensionannuityvslumpsum

Comparing Pension Annuities and Lump Sums: Which Option Prevails?

A lot of companies don't offer pensions, but when they do, is it better than getting it elsewhere? I'm Stan The Annuity Man, America's Annuity Agent, and I'm here to tell you which is better! Stay tuned as I share with you everything you need to know about it so you can make the best decision. Watch and Enjoy! Stan The Annuity Man Request Free Owner’s Manual Here ======================== Key Moments in this Episode ======================== 00:32 Pensions vs. Lump Sum 03:01 When a company offers an annuity-type payout... 03:50 Here's what you need to remember 04:57 Be very careful! What To Watch Next: ======================== How To Choose An Annuity Other Resources ======================== Visit Stan The Annuity Man’s website Learn more about Stan The Annuity Man Get your annuity quote here ======================== Video by Nate Woodbury #StanTheAnnuityMan #Annuity #TheAnnuityMan... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOU...

Choosing the Best Pension Payout Option: Lump Sum or Periodic Payments

Should you lump-sum your pension or take periodic payments? What about survivorship options? And how do you determine the best age to take your pension? Many pensions have a myriad of options to choose from... How can you decide which option fits both your goals and retirement plan? We tackle these questions and more in this week's Wealth Wednesday. - - - - - - - - - - - - Always remember, "You Don't Need More Money; You Need a Better Plan" 🍿 Subscribe to our channel: 🏆 Join our 'Retirement Mastery' Facebook Group: 📈 Talk with us about your retirement plan here: 📚 The New 60/40: How the Next Generation of Retirees Can Achieve Radical Financial Freedom through Better Safe Investing - Safeguard Wealth Management is a Registered Investment Advisor in the State of WI. All content on Youtube is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as personal advice for your situation. You ...