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Showing posts with the label performance

104 Free the Story with Stacia Keogh

With a diverse and rich background in performance and teaching, Stacia Keogh creates and tells stories as a Performance Storyteller. On a mission to 'free the story', Stacia empowers women to use their own voice to tell their story of value, purpose and possibility. Real stories from real women, extracting wisdom, sharing true experience and enabling their story to shine like a beacon. KEY TAKEAWAY “You are the most credible source of information. Don't ever doubt your own experience as being important. What you've been through is wisdom and it just takes some reflection and a listening ear so that you can empty out that heart and really empower your soul to stand up and say this happened to me. This is important to me. That’s where the story starts.” RECOMMENDED READING* Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez - ABOUT STACIA KEOGH A performance storyteller, voice artis...