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Showing posts with the label planningforthefuture

Building a Straightforward Retirement and Financial Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide

Lets create a simple financial plan. This is just a starting point for retirement and to get your finances in order. The first thing we want to do is work with a budget, but wait don't stop reading yet! The first step to any good budget is to watch your money first. Track your spending for a month or so and THEN start to budget using your existing spending. Our clients have this done for them using NestEgg. Next we will want to start planning for the future. You may not need a financial planner for this but this is where we need to start focusing on future goals. Cars, homes, college, and even retirement Remember that your budget comes first when retirement planning . If we can get your finances in order now it means we can make saving for retirement even easier. See, most people just start saving for retirement without getting their dough straight and it leaves them stressed and under saved. Finally we want to prioritize the way you will save for retirement. Consider ...