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Showing posts with the label pointofcontrol

A Recession is Imminent: Strong Likelihood of a Stock Market Crash

The stock market will crash! The question is, how much longer before the recession hits? In today's video, I will share the important volume profile levels that will use to trade the NASDAQ. =====Follow This Twitter Account : 🔽 TRADING SOFTWARE 🔽 ✅ AlgoBox Discord: 💸 AlgoBox Discount: 🔽 TRADER FUNDING PROGRAMS THAT I HAVE USED🔽 💸 Earn2Trade (20% OFF): 💸 APEX FUNDING (90% OFF) : 👉 APEX Coupon code: EBIQYIMJ 👈 ✅ LEELOO : 🔽 LIVE STREAM 🔽 📈 Join our live streams: 🔽 YOUTUBE PLAYLIST 🔽 ✅ Volume Profile Playlist: ✅ NinjaTrade 8 Tutorial Series: ✅ Watch my most recent video upload: 🔽 SOCIAL MEDIA 🔽 YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: #stockmarketcrash #BullTrap #stocks 📉Risk Disclosure: Futures, Stock, and crypto trading contains subst...