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Showing posts with the label prohibitedtransactionrules

Advertisement Mail - Episode 10

In this week's episode, IRA Financial's Adam Bergman Esq. answers questions about Inherited IRA options, making a real estate investment with family members and if a Roth conversion makes sense. -- *Question 1 from Tiffany J in Santa Barbara, CA: If I inherit an IRA, do I have to take it or can I disclaim it? *Question 2 from Roger A in Odessa, TX: Can I invest in a real estate investment with myself, my sister, and my dad, who will own just 22%? *Question 3 from John J in Phoenix, AZ: I am 57 years old, own an apartment building in my IRA that has appreciated significantly in the last three years. Should I do a Roth Conversion? Have a question for Adam? Send it to us! -- Discover more videos by IRA Financial: Subscribe to our channel: -- About IRA Financial: IRA Financial Group was founded by Adam Bergman, a former tax and ERISA attorney who worked at some of the largest law firms. During his years of practice, he noticed that many ...

Latest News: IRS, NFTs, and Their Impact on Your IRA

On March 21, 2023, the Treasury Department and the IRS issued Notice 2023-27 which announces that they are soliciting feedback for upcoming guidance regarding the tax treatment of a nonfungible token (NFT) as a collectible under the tax law. The Notice states that the IRS intends to issue guidance that treats certain NFTs as collectibles for purposes of IRC Section 408(m). It outlines the approach the IRS is considering and asks for comments by June 19, 2023. For retirement account investors, the determination of whether an NFT is crucial as to whether the asset can be purchased by a retirement account . On this episode of Adam Live, IRA Financial founder, Adam Bergman, Esq. will discuss the new Notice, explain what NFTs are, and walk you through the new “look-through analysis" that may help determine whether an NFT is a collectible, and thus, a prohibited investment with your retirement account . Join us LIVE on Monday, March 27th at 12:45PM EDT! -- Read more abou...