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Showing posts with the label qualifiedlongevityannuitycontract

Exploring RMD Options for Surplus Funds: Required-Minimum Distribution

If you have money in certain qualified-retirement vehicles, including (but not limited to) 401(k)s, 403(b)s, 457(b)s, Traditional Individual Retirement Accounts / Annuities (IRAs), then -- beginning at age 70 1/2 -- you will need to consider the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) rules concerning the so-called Required-Minimum Distribution (RMD). I have gone into the basics of the RMD, elswhere. For an overview, see: For a summary of the steps involved in taking your RMD, see: On taking distributions in general, consult: Some people don't mind the RMD, for example, if they are already taking distributions or if they need the RMD to cover expenses. However, some people find themselves in the position of having to take an RMD when they don't actually need the money. If you're in that position, realize that you have several options. Some of them include the following. (1) You can take a distribution and then give it to a person or organizati...

Barry Norman Breaks Down the Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract: How it Benefits Your Retirement Savings from IRA or 401k

People are living longer these days. The longer time horizon means more time spent in retirement and more concerns about funding all those extra years. No one wants to run out of money deep in retirement, so it is understandable many fear outliving their resources and not having adequate income for long-term care and other retirement expenses. For retirees with Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and 401(k) savings funded with pretax money, the annuity industry has a product for you: Qualified Longevity Annuity Contracts (QLACs). They are a type of longevity annuity that allows payments to be deferred until sometime in the future. A QLAC lets you swap some money in your qualified retirement plan to guarantee monthly payments for the rest of your life after a specified date. To learn more about how to prepare for your retirement today please watch our other videos and subscribe @everythingfinancial... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Qualified Retirement Plans ...

rewrite this title IRA Annuity - Convert, Roll Over & Other Tricks

What is an IRA Annuity? It sounds like something my Mom might ask me, but what are IRA annuities all about, and do annuities sit inside an IRA? Stan The Annuity Man explains. Watch and Enjoy, Stan The Annuity Man Free Annuity Owner’s Manuals Free Annuity Calculators and Live Rate Feeds Book a Free 30-minute Call with Stan The Annuity Man Key Moments in this Episode 1:39 What are IRA Annuities all about 2:40 Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract 3:09 Should I buy an annuity with IRA money? 4:07 Transferring an annuity from one IRA to another 5:36 Do you need an annuity? 6:59 Roth IRA Money and annuities 9:10 Subscribe! Other Resources ALL THINGS ANNUITIES LISTEN/WATCH FUN WITH ANNUITIES PODCAST JOIN THE ANNUITY LOVERS FACEBOOK GROUP CONNECT WITH STAN  Call Stan The Annuity Man: 800-509-6473 Website: Email:  Facebook: Twitter: TikTok: Instagram: #StanTheAnnuityMan #Annuity #TheAnnuityMan... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ...

Does your Traditional IRA need a QLAC Webinar

... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts INVESTING IN A GOLD IRA: Gold IRA Account INVESTING IN A SILVER IRA: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #annuities #annuity #ira #qlac #qualifiedlongevityannuitycontract #TraditionalIRA #annuities #annuity #ira #qlac #qualifiedlongevityannuitycontract