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Showing posts with the label realestateagents

Roth Accounts for Realtors and Brokers!

#401k #realestatebroker #realtors As a real estate professional, you can have a major edge. There is $35 trillion in retirement accounts in the U.S. that can buy real estate! Bestselling authors, Mat Sorensen and Mark J. Kohler explain a powerful strategy to sell more real estate and walk you through the structure of it step-by-step (you can see the whiteboard diagramming in this YouTube video). Are you a realtor? Are you using a tax free bucket? There are so many gems in this podcast episode that will get you excited about real estate investing with Roth accounts. Additional Resources: The Power of The Solo 401k Episode on Main Street Business Podcast A Download” Investing in Real Estate with an IRA” Quick Start Guide Solo 401k Special - Learn more ---- Schedule a Free 15-minute new account phone appointment with one of our experienced Senior Account Executives regarding a Real Estate IRA or a Self-Directed IRA. ---- 🔊 Found this video helpful? Click t...