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Showing posts with the label realestateassetprotection

Royal Legal Solutions' Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a Self-Directed IRA with an LLC for Real Estate Investors

Scott Smith, Esq. is an experienced investor, and owner of Royal Legal Solutions, Austin, TX, one of the top asset protection companies for real estate investors in the country. In order to develop strategies to maximize tax savings and protect from lawsuits, Scott invested several years deconstructing real estate investing. For any specific questions feel free to comment on this video, or go to the website and set up a consultation now! People will tell you that your IRA is safe and they're wrong. Your IRA is only safe from a lawsuit against you and somebody coming after your IRA. But if your IRA is invested in an asset class such as real estate where it can be sued, the IRA itself is exposed. Also, your IRA is exposed in the sense that it can be disqualified, if any of the transactions of the IRA are exposed. So there's two things that we do. The first thing that we do is, we can split up multiple IRA accounts. So that way if any one type of investment is disqual...

What is Self Directed IRA? | Royal Legal Solutions For Real Estate Investors

Scott Smith, Esq. is an experienced investor, and owner of Royal Legal Solutions, Austin, TX, one of the top asset protection companies for real estate investors in the country. In order to develop strategies to maximize tax savings and protect from lawsuits, Scott invested several years deconstructing real estate investing. For any specific questions feel free to comment on this video, or go to the website and set up a consultation now! Many people are only using their IRAs to invest in mutual funds and other types of stock investments. But a lot of people that are in the know are using their IRAs to be able to invest in real estate and other more productive assets. One thing that you can do to be able to make more money and to be able to streamline the process of allowing yourself to invest easier, is using a self-directed IRA. This allows you to control the money in your IRA through an LLC without having to involve your custodian. Truth is, that custodians usually aren...