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Showing posts with the label realestateattorney

Avoid this investment mistake with your self-directed IRA: Real estate investing.

Attorney Jeff Watson explains the importance of conducting due diligence on real estate investments using your self directed IRA.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts TRANSFER IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account TRANSFER IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA Don't Make This Investment Mistake with Your Self-Directed IRA: Real Estate Investing Real estate investing has long been hailed as a lucrative and reliable avenue for building wealth. With the advent of self-directed Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), investors now have the opportunity to include real estate investments within their retirement portfolios. However, there’s one major mistake that individuals should avoid when venturing into the realm of real estate with their self-directed IRAs. Before delving into this potential pitfall, let's first briefly explore the concept of self-directed IRAs. Unlike traditional IRAs that limit investment choices t...

Is it possible to invest in promissory notes using a self-directed IRA?

Attorneys Andy Fowler and Jeff Watson discuss how a self directed IRA can purchase and invest in promissory notes.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts TRANSFER IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account TRANSFER IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA Can you invest in promissory notes with your self-directed IRA? Investing for retirement is a critical aspect of financial planning, and individuals have diverse options to grow their funds. One such option gaining popularity is the self-directed Individual retirement account (IRA). Unlike traditional IRAs, which restrict investments to stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, self-directed IRAs grant investors greater control by enabling them to invest in a broader range of assets, such as real estate, precious metals, and even promissory notes. Promissory notes, also known as loan agreements or IOUs, are a commonly overlooked investment opportunity. They represent a legally binding agr...

Understanding Self-Directed IRAs: Exploring the Concept, Benefits, and Implications in Real Estate Investing, Taxation, and Legalities. #IRA #RetirementPlanning #Taxation #RealEstateInvestment #LegalConsiderations

Arizona attorney Andy Fowler and Ohio attorney Jeff Watson discuss self directed IRAs.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts TRANSFER IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account TRANSFER IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA What is a Self-Directed IRA? When it comes to planning for retirement, individual retirement accounts (IRAs) have long been a popular choice among individuals due to their various tax advantages. Traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs are the most common options that individuals consider, but there is another type of IRA gaining attention in recent years - the self-directed IRA. So, what exactly is a self-directed IRA? As the name suggests, a self-directed IRA gives the account holder greater control over their investment choices compared to traditional IRAs. While traditional IRAs typically limit investment options to stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, self-directed IRAs open up a vast array of alternative investment...

Q&A with Clint Coons: Step-by-Step Guide to Establishing an LLC for Rental Properties

Thanks for joining me today -- Learn about real estate asset protection at our FREE Livestream Tax & Asset Protection Workshops where we'll answer ALL your questions. Get in: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE ~~~~ FREE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT STRATEGY SESSION Claim Your FREE 45-minute Investment Strategy Session to receive business planning tips and asset protection. 👉 FREE TAX & ASSET PROTECTION WORKSHOP Learn about Real Estate & Asset Protection from Clint Coons, Esq, and Toby Mathis, Esq. at our next all-day free Livestream 9 am to 4 pm PT. on Saturdays. Our attorneys and specialists will answer ALL questions: 👉 Save Your Seat: ~~~~ FINANCIAL PLANNING & RESOURCES Download your free copy of Un-Tax Yourself eBook and discover the secret to real estate wealth is in the tax deductions. For financial strategies, podcasts, articles and details on u...

Investing in Real Estate with a Self-Directed IRA

We received this question from a viewer: “Can I use funds in my IRA to purchase real estate?” In short: yes! So long as the holder of an IRA follows very specific rules, it is possible to use funds in an IRA to invest in real estate. Investors who want to use funds in their IRA will use what’s known as a “self-directed IRA.” Before starting this process, investors should meet with a real estate attorney, CPA, and their financial advisor. Like all investments, it should fit into your overall financial plan while maximizing tax efficiency. There are a number of companies that handle self-directed IRA funds. There are many rules and restrictions which make costly mistakes possible. It is imperative to work with a reputable company. You may ask: “What do I need to do?” The investor will transfer IRA funds into a separate custodian’s account. Instead of investing in the stock market, bonds, and other securities, investing in real estate is possible. One important principle to r...

How to Invest in Real Estate With a Self-Directed IRA | Clint Coons Q&A

In this Livestream, I will go over how to invest in real estate with a self-directed IRA. Thanks for joining me today -- Learn about real estate asset protection at our FREE Livestream Tax & Asset Protection Workshops where we'll answer ALL your questions. Get in: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE ~~~~ FREE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT STRATEGY SESSION Claim Your FREE 45-minute Investment Strategy Session to receive business planning tips and asset protection. 👉 FREE TAX & ASSET PROTECTION WORKSHOP Learn about Real Estate & Asset Protection from Clint Coons, Esq, and Toby Mathis, Esq. at our next all-day free Livestream 9 am to 4 pm PT. on Saturdays. Our attorneys and specialists will answer ALL questions: 👉 Save Your Seat: ~~~~ FINANCIAL PLANNING & RESOURCES Download your free copy of Un-Tax Yourself eBook and discover the secret to real es...