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Showing posts with the label republicnotecryptocurrency

Republic Note Token | A profit sharing Token | Is It a Good Investment?

Republic Note Token | A profit sharing Token | Is It a Good Investment? 👉👉Invest in the future you believe: 👉 Check out Ethernity Chain: Introducing Republic Note: The Republic Note is a profit sharing security token issued by Republic Core. It’s an investment in us and the success of our business and future. Republic Core is selling the Republic Note. It’s the technology hub that powers the Republic ecosystem. Republic's own digital security, a profit-sharing token with finite supply, the R/Note is poised to bring profit to the people by distributing dividends when select portfolio companies succeed. Republic’s own digital security: Republic is a leading alternative investment platform that gives individual investors access to a wide range of opportunities including early-stage startups, growth-stage/pre-IPO technology companies, crypto, e-sports and video games, real estate and Main Street investments. The Republic ecosystem h...