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Showing posts with the label retirementincomeportfolio

How To Increase Your Retirement Income || Live Retirement Income Strategies

How To Increase Your Retirement Income || Live Retirement Income Strategies In this livestream I want to talk about creating retirement income and how you can increase your retirement income with these retirement income strategies. When you are doing your retirement planning and calculating out retirement income needed, looking at these three retirement income strategies will help you with your retirement planning . So what are three ways that you can increase your retirement income? 1. Maximize your Social Security benefits This is the simplest way to increase your retirement income. Social Security benefits in claiming Social Security is one of the biggest decisions in your retirement. Why do you take Social Security at 62, 67, or 70 is determined by your individual retirement plan. This needs to be a decision that is carefully thought out and planned out in your retirement income strategy. 2. Catch-up contributions If you're over the age of 50 an...