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Showing posts with the label retirementplanningstrategies

Roth IRA Early Retirement

If you are in need of financial planning help you can learn more here. We're happy to help you reach your financial goals. Did you know that you can use the Roth IRA to retire early? You can use the Roth IRA to retire before age 59.5 without a penalty. The contributions that you put into the Roth IRA can be taken out anytime. Those contributions are also called the principal. Leaving the growth portion of the Roth IRA for after age 59.5 can make this a great early retirement strategy. You can also use this with another retirement plan to help reduce and control your taxable situation too. 💸 FOR MORE FINANCIAL PLANNING & ASSET MANAGEMENT 💸 Book a meeting and start financial planning and investing Try out our financial planning tool today. #rothira #retirement #buildwealth ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Get answers FASTER... Join this channel to get access to perks: ------------------...