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Showing posts with the label rothiraagelimit

The What, Why and How of Backdoor Roth IRA in 2022

Backdoor Roth IRA in 2022 - What, Why and How In this video, we'll explain what is backdoor Roth IRA, what is Roth IRA, what is traditional IRA account, and why you should or should not bother with backdoor Roth IRA conversion due to the build back better bill. We'll explain how to put money into your backdoor Roth IRA account by converting your after tax money to backdoor Roth IRA account from traditional IRA account. We'll explain the Roth IRA and traditional IRA contribution limit and income limit to contribute to Roth IRA for single filer and married filing jointly. Buy Meet Bryant a coffee ☕️ Time Code: 0:00 - Intro 0:24 - What is Roth IRA and what is Backdoor Roth IRA? 02:14 - Why backdoor Roth IRA? Build back better bill 02:40 - how to contribute money into backdoor Roth IRA? Disclaimer: I’m not a financial advisor. Views and opinions shared in this channel are only for entertainment purposes. These are not financial investment nor advice. Past p...