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Showing posts with the label selfstorage

How To Set Up Your Self Directed IRA/401K To Accelerate Your Self-Storage Portfolio w/ Dan Handford

What You Will Learn At This Webinar - What is an SD-IRA/401K? - ​What types of assets can you invest with your retirement funds? ​- How can you access your retirement funds to invest passively while you are still working? - ​What are the restrictions on these types of funds? ​- And so much more! Follow Dan Handford: Follow Kris Bennett: Follow #SIN Storage Investor Nation: Passively Invest with Dan's Apartment Syndication Group: Investor Return Targets: ~18% Annualized Return *Fill out the investor form on the above website to have a one-on-one call to discuss your investment goals to see if our group is the right fit for you. #selfstorageinvesting #realestateinvesting #storageinvesting #selfstoragesyndication #realestatesyndication #passiveinvesting #danhandford #storageinvestornation-... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts TRANSFER IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account TRANSFER IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best...