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Showing posts with the label seriesibonds

Inflation: May 1, 2022 Sees I Bonds Offering 9.62% Interest Rate

I bonds, also called Series I savings bonds, are now paying a guaranteed 9.62% annualized as of May 1, 2022. Previous, more comprehensive video on I bonds here: Buy I bonds from the U.S. Treasury: // SUMMARY: The composite rate for I bonds has gone up yet again due to rising inflation. They are paying 9.62% annualized as of May 1, 2022. These are inflation-linked bonds directly from the U.S. Treasury. They are the most direct inflation hedge asset available. The inflation rate component is attached to the CPI, or Consumer Price Index. You must buy I bonds directly from the Treasury. There's no such thing as an I bonds ETF or mutual fund. I bonds have a minimum holding time of 1 year and a purchase limit of $10k electronic and $5k paper annually per TIN. If held for less than 5 years, you forfeit 3 months of interest. Interest is federally taxed unless used for qualified education expenses. You'll get the current rate for 6 months regardless of when you buy. T...