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Showing posts with the label shouldigetmarried

Farnoosh Torabi: Stop Fighting With Your Spouse Over Money | Afford Anything Podcast (Audio-Only)

My friend and financial expert Farnoosh Torabi joins me to answer a relationship & money question from a listener named Janice.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Janice is engaged, and she calls to ask: Should she get married? She earns double what her fiancĆ© makes. She has no debt except her mortgage. Her retirement accounts are well-funded. He makes half of her salary. He’s carrying $20,000 in credit card and student loan debt. He has two children from a previous marriage and pays 25 percent of his income to child support. He has zero retirement savings other than his state-funded teachers pension. They’ve been together for 8 years and engaged for three. But she’s unsure about whether or not she should walk down the aisle. Should they get married? Is this a smart financial decision?⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Farnoosh and I both tackle this question together — and we disagree on some points, which makes this conversation better!! Farnoosh is the bestselling author of When She Makes More, a book that takes an in-dep...