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Showing posts with the label solosecondencounter

"Enter the Root" - Solo Raid's Encounter with Scission in Nightmares (Destiny 2)

Destiny 2 Lightfall - Solo Root of Nightmares Raid - Encounter #2 "Enter the Root" / Scission Encounter. Just a quick video showing a solo clear of the second encounter in the new Lightfall raid. Details below. Even easier than the first encounter really. Both of these are a good entry point for anybody looking to get into to solo raid challenges if you ask me. I nearly got pushed off at the end bit, and some bad Sword tracking slowed me down in parts. But even without Well Skating or Shatter Skating this is quite simple. The fact that the first two encounters were done solo on contest mode by people says a lot about the difficulty here. Which is something I probably should've done too considering how simple they are, but ah well it was nice to have the break for a day anyway. As I mentioned on the first video, there's potential for all encounters to be done I believe. Our group kind of bruteforced the final two encounters so I'm not too famili...