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Showing posts with the label stockmarket2023

Impending Stock Market Catastrophe: The Looming Inflation Nightmare

A third wave of inflation, greed-flation, is about to hit consumers. It could keep consumer inflation high and ruin the bull market in stocks. I'll show you why and how to invest. Become an investor in Let's Talk Money and earn monthly income! Be Ready June 27th Although inflation has come down from surging to a 9% annual pace last year to 4.1% last month, it’s still double the Fed’s target of 2% and could be coming into a new wave of price increases. That would force the Fed to increase interest rates again, disappointing stock investors and causing the market to give up much of this year’s gains. That’s from analysis by UBS Global Wealth Management which says US consumer price increases have been forced higher by a series of waves rather than a singular force. The inflation waves have come one after another, making it look like one continuous movement in prices. Now a third wave is coming that could surprise everyone. The first wave of inflation was in consumer...

What are the Best Investment Options in the Wake of Overbought Tech Stocks?

A look at the stock market today and where should you be looking to invest now? We're an investing service that also helps you keep your dough straight. We'll manage your retirement investments while teaching you all about your money. #retirement #retirementplanning #dohstr8 ---Ready to subscribe--- For more information visit: --- Instagram @jazzWealth --- Facebook --- Twitter @jazzWealth Business Affairs 📧 ( read more ) LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing The tech sector has been on an incredible run for the past several years, with many stocks in the sector experiencing significant gains. However, recent market movements have suggested that the tech sector may be overbought, leaving investors wondering where they should invest their money now. First, it's impo...