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The Devil's Own (1997) - IRA Shootout Scene (1/10) | Movieclips

The Devil's Own - IRA Shootout: Frankie (Brad Pitt) faces off against the Sinn Fein and British government. BUY THE MOVIE: Watch the best The Devil's Own scenes & clips: FILM DESCRIPTION: As a favor to a friend, policeman Tom O'Meara (Harrison Ford) lets visiting Irishman Rory Devaney (Brad Pitt) stay with him and his family in New York City. Rory's visit is quiet at first, but when Tom and his wife, Sheila (Margaret Colin), return home one day, they're accosted by intruders. Tom soon realizes that Rory is in the Irish Republican Army. When it becomes clear that Rory's stateside trip is part of an effort to transport illegal guns to Dublin, Tom is compelled to stop him. CREDITS: TM & © Sony (1997) Cast: Brad Pitt, Paul Ronan Director: Alan J. Pakula Watch More: ► Fresh New Clips: ► Classic Trailers: ► Hot New Trailers: ► Clips From Movies Coming Soon: ► Indie Movie Clips: ► Deleted Scenes: ► Bloopers: ► Celebrity Interviews: Fuel...