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Showing posts with the label tinder

Is it Possible for Short Men to Attract Attractive Women? Tips on Dating with Celina Bond

WEBSITE IS LAUNCHED WWW.CELINABOND.COM Can short guys get hot girls? Why do girls care about height on Tinder? Why do women like taller men? How can a shorter guy get a hot/taller woman? All of these questions answered in the video above! I'm Celina Bond and I'm a dating and relationship coach for men. I primarily started helping women and friends around me get the guy, until I realized there are sooooo many men out there that need help communicating with these hot girls, including getting ADVICE FROM A GIRL THATS NOT A FRIEND. Your girls as friends will NOT help you get the girl....they will tell you what you want to hear, and that not going to be WHAT YOU NEED TO HEAR. Search for Celina Bond on Facebook for more content on how to improve your Tinder profile to get EXACTLY what you want! Communicate better with women and improve your chances of hooking up, having fun, dating, building relationships and finding the love you desire. NEXT VIDEO: DO WOMEN ONLY L...