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Showing posts with the label toptspretirementplan

TSP Retirement Plan - TSP Retirement Plan for Dummies

What are tsp retirement plans – What is a tsp retirement plan? 1-800-566-1002 . What are the best types of tsp retirement plans for retirement and learn how you can avoid the most common mistakes that individuals have made when looking to set up a tsp retirement plan. Managing Your TSP Retirement Managing a retirement account is often the last thing anyone thinks of doing. And for those with a government TSP (Thrift Savings Plan) it is probably even further down the list. Although a TSP only contains five funds from which to choose, this very factor makes managing the account even more important. WHY, because there is less wiggle room. The opportunity for success is equally as dramatic as that of losing it all. A middle ground would be to divide your retirement money into each of the TSP funds equally. You won't seem dramatic growth, but you could end up with steady upward steps that should at least beat inflation. The challenge with such a basic diversified...