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Showing posts with the label torontorealestateinvesting

Effective Strategies for Identifying Profitable Properties for Leverage in Toronto Real Estate

Smart Investment Moves! Identifying Profitable Properties for Leverage in Toronto Real Estate You've probably heard the statistic before: 90% of millionaires in the U.S. have invested in real estate. One key reason for this success is because of leverage - they made use of other people’s money to make more money. If use you leverage properly, you can definitely grow your wealth at a faster pace. You might have also heard that leverage can go both ways, and when you’re losing money, leverage loses your more money, which is correct. But one thing you might not know is that even when your returns are positive, investing with leverage might still be less than investing with cash. And it’s happening a lot more these days especially when borrowing rates are so high. So in this video I’m going to let you know what type of properties can actually perform better with leverage so that you can make wiser decisions and be more selective when you’re investing in Toronto real es...