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Showing posts with the label vanguardetfforbeginners

Top 5 Vanguard Funds with the Highest Return

You love ETF investing for a simple, stress-free strategy and few do it better than Vanguard Funds. I’ll reveal the five best Vanguard ETFs ranked by return and who should buy. Get your special sign-up bonus when you get started on Wealthfront. In this video, I’ll show you the power of ETF investing and why every investor needs some exchange traded funds in their portfolio. I’ll then rank the five best Vanguard funds by return, show you what is in each ETF and if it’s right for your portfolio. Why is ETF investing so important? Why do I think all investors should have some ETFs in their portfolio? Because exchange traded funds give you that opportunity to take the stress out of investing. By holding hundreds and even thousands of stocks in a fund, you don’t need to worry about any one stock destroying your returns. You smooth out the ups and downs of individual stocks for that market return. Vanguard funds are some of the lowest cost you’ll find and in fact, expense ratio ...