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Showing posts with the label wealthmanagementpodcast

Rational Reminder 250: Financial Choices for Long-Term Investors with Prof. John Y. Campbell

**Due to minor technical issues with the Zoom call between Ben, Cameron and Professor Campbell, there are portions of audio that were not picked up throughout the interview.** Navigating the world of finance and investing is undeniably complicated, sometimes unnecessarily so. And all too often the people who end up making the most costly financial mistakes are those who can least afford to do so. But what exactly needs to change in order for more people to make wise and well-informed financial decisions? And how do we go about implementing those changes? Joining us today to help us unpack this topic and the many decisions involved in the world of investing is John Y. Campbell, a British-American economist, professor of economics at Harvard, and founding partner at Arrow Street Capital, a systematic asset management firm based in Boston. John has published hundreds of articles on a range of topics including fixed income, equality valuation, portfolio choices, and household fi...