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What Exactly Is a Rollover IRA?

What are rollover IRA accounts – what is a roll over IRA plan? 1-800-566-1002. Learn the best ways to conduct a rollover ira and how you can avoid the most common mistakes that individuals have made when trying roll over their monies into ira retirement accounts. What is a Rollover IRA? Some Facts You Ought to Know Wondering how to roll over your retirement plan into an IRA? Whether you're leaving your job or looking for ways to maximize returns on your investments, it's important to choose a good company and plan before making the conversion. The official rollover IRA definition is that it's a tax free reinvestment of a distribution from a qualified retirement plan to an IRA, usually within a time frame of 60 days. If you have already decided to rollover your IRA, your best bet is to roll over into a self-directed Roth IRA instead of a traditional IRA. Self-directed IRAs are much more flexible and give you many more options for investment, such as real e...