Inflation makes your money worth less, so if you have savings what should you be doing with them right now. It's tricky, because if you put your money into stocks, well stocks will take a hit during this time, and if you put your money into real estate, they might go up price, but the effectively nothing has happened. You see how confusing it is, so in this video; I’ll tell you exactly what I’m doing with my money. 😎Call Me😎: 😎Second Channel😎: 👨🏽💻Financial Freedom Course👨🏽💻$100 OFF CODE: LONGTERM Link: 💰MY M1 FINANCE PORTFOLIO💰 PLUS $10 Link: 1. First: we can't inflation but that’s doesn’t mean we have to be in unknown -We know that the people in charge of inflation are the Fed -And to increase inflation they lower interest rates which makes money cheaper to borrow, those more spending -And to decrease inflation they increase interest rates to make money more expensive to borrow and lower spending and demand So all we need to know is this: -The fed is going to do everything in their power to lower inflation, because the consequences can be recession or depression ( basically bad stuff ) -So to do this will raise interest rates, which may cause a temporary down turn in stocks, and slow down in properties -How do I know this, because they said so, the Chairperson Jerome Powell Tip: that’s all you need to know, being clued to CNN is not going to change the facts 2. Stocks and Bonds for investment and Real estate So if you have money that you want to invest into which asset would you want to put it The standard comparison is 10 years treasury note, S&P 500 unless you pick stocks and real estate This is a very simple answer: -Stocks outperforms bonds by more 40%, since 1929 but we also that during times of inflation stocks tend to go down ( so using this data, when would be a perfect time to buy stocks, when they are up or when they are down ) -Answer is both, especially when they are down -If you have 20% being invested don’t stock investing now Stocks vs Real estate: -Stocks also outperform real estate -But one big difference is volatility -Since stocks are more liquid you can see the changes in prices faster than you would in real estate My point is for investing: stocks is where you want to be 3. Money that you need later aka savings -The answer is simple; you can put your money into TIPs -Treasury inflation protected bonds or you can but your money into a high yield savings or treasury bonds -If you put it in a bond, looking to get 4.35%, if interest rates go up, then your bonds will be worth less, because the government now pays more, if interest rates go down then it’ll be worth more Its a tricky game I rather not play: -So the answer is, the only money I have that’s being eating up by inflation is my emergency fund ( which I add a few extra dollars a month to adjust for inflation myself) -I also have money for investments in stocks or real estate potentially ( but again this is in high yield savings ) -The answer for this video is It depends, but I still invest 20% of my base income no matter what. * PRO TIP* INFORMATION IS EVERYTHING 💲1 on 1 Talk + My Budget + Stock Investments💲 👕Merch👕 ✅2 FREE AUDIOBOOKS✅ 💰M1 FINANCE $10💰 🎁ACORN FREE $5🎁 Link: ⚡FREE KINDLE UNLIMITED⚡ (traditional reading) Link: 👨🏽💻DISCORD PRIVATE GROUP👨🏽💻 My Camera Gear: ✔ Help Us Reach 500,000 Subscribers: 😎All My Social Media😎 Link: *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies in which Tommy Bryson will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Tommy Bryson is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available. I'm an Accountant but I'm not your Accountant, always review information with your Accountant/CPA and your Financial Advisor....(read more)

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