A donor advised fund is a simple, flexible and tax-efficient way to give you your favorite charities. Find out the benefits of Fidelity charitable (DAF) today! 0:00 Best Fidelity Account 0:41 Fidelity Charitable: Giving Account (HSA) 1:11 What is a donor-advised fund? 1:28 How a donor-advised fund works 3:00 What are the Benefits of the donor-advised fund? 4:58 How many charities does DAF have access to? 5:57 What does a Fidelity Giving Account cost? 8:38 Giving Account vs Cash/Check/Credit Card 11:45 Final Thoughts #FidelityGivingAccount #FidelityCharitable #DonorAdvisedFund If you are new to the channel I am working toward financial independence. On this channel I share some of the insights that I have learned as I have been on this journey and my goal is to help you reach your financial goals and help you be more intentional with your money. I post new videos every week! Feel free to check out my other videos for help on your financial journey. The Saving Secret Hierarchy of Wealth (Become Financially Independent) Fidelity Investments: Zero Cost Index Funds Fidelity Investments: Cash Management Account (Best Bank 2021) Fidelity Investments: Fidelity Brokerage Account 2021 CONNECT WITH ME👇! WEBSITE -------------- FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM -------------- JOIN MY FAN FACEBOOK PAGE Want to support? Check out products I use 👇: Novo Bank (Best Business Account) -------------- MINT MOBILE - DISCOUNTED CELL SERVICE ($15 MO*) 📳 -------------- WALMART GROCERY ($10 OFF) 🛒 -------------- Jamie Beath 👇 I am a husband and father of three who is working toward financial independence. I paid off my home in February 2021 and I invest regularly to work to be financially independent by Dec 2025. Outside of time with my family, watching people succeed with money is one of my greatest joys. So many people have challenges with personal finance. I create videos that have a simple, practical approach that anyone can apply to win with money. I have been practicing what I preach in my own personal financial life, and can help you immediately in yours. Whether you need help organizing your finances or making progress on the path toward financial independence, retire early (FIRE), I can help you be more intentional with your money. Thanks for subscribing! Other topics I discuss include: -Getting out of Debt -Building Savings (Building an Emergency fund) -Budgeting (reducing expenses) -Saving First -Saving Everything (Automatic Savings) -Home Payoff -Retirement Savings (401k, Roth, HSA) -Wealth Building -Financial Independence DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. These videos are for educational purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. I am merely sharing my opinion with no guarantee of gains or losses on investments. AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this channel are affiliate links, meaning, at NO additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase and/or subscribe. However, this does not impact my opinion....(read more)

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