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Should You Roll Your TSP Into A...

Should You Roll Your TSP Into A... #thriftsavingsplan #TSP #militarymillionaire - I am getting asked what you should do with your Thrift Savings Plan after exiting the military more and more frequently. While my default answer is “nothing, leave it alone and benefit from the compound interest, and knowing that your future is secure.” I understand there are several alternatives that could prove to be worth your time. In this article I want to explain what some of these options are, and why it may (or may not) be beneficial for you to roll your TSP into these investment vessels. Keep in mind that I am not a licensed financial advisor, just somebody who has done a lot of research. Also, these are just my opinions, be sure you do your own homework and come to your own conclusions as well. On the other hand, keep in mind that I will not receive a commission of any type from you rolling your TSP over, but many people do. Always remember to ask yourself what filter somebody is using when selling you on the idea of rolling your TSP into a specific asset class. They just might be incentivized by a commission payout to recommend it to you. Should You Roll Your TSP into a… When you move funds out of your Thrift Savings Plan and into another asset class it is referred to as rolling your TSP over. - Real Estate Investing Course: Recommended books and tools: - SUBSCRIBE: - Website: Instagram: Facebook: - My name is David Pere, I am an active duty Marine, and have realized that service members and the working class use the phrase "I don't get paid enough" entirely too often. The reality is that most often our financial situation is self-inflicted. After having success with real estate investing, I started From Military to Millionaire to teach personal finance and real estate investing to service members and the working class. As a result, I have helped many of my readers increase their savings gap, and increase their chances of achieving financial freedom! - Click here to SUBSCRIBE: to the channel for more awesome videos!...(read more)

LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans
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