How To Buy A House During Inflation- Try Adjustable Rate Mortgages(ARM) | Mortgage with Sosi #Shorts

This is the best tool to buy a home during times of inflation. Most Millennials have missed out on buying a home because of affordability, but this tool will provide more affordable payments and make buying a home a reality. For more information, visit our website: Now Adjustable Rate Mortgages provide an option for a 30-year mortgage but with a usually fixed of five, seven, or ten years providing a much lower monthly payment and potentially saving you hundreds of dollars. Share with someone who can't afford to buy. Mortgages with Sosi - “Top 1% mortgage advisor based in California” SUBSCRIBE for more simple strategies you can diy on any home loan from FHA to VA loans and investments! ► Signup For Exclusive Industry Insights & Free Home Buying And Selling Resources: Follow us Instagram: Facebook: Website: Schedule a Free Consultation: Phone: (949) 791-7429 eMail: About Us: Team Sosi is a group of family-oriented individuals committed to the success of our clients. We are committed to proactively helping you with all areas we have found for ownership success: Providing a clear comparison and explanation of your top loan options Helping your offer stand out to get accepted Ensuring that once you’re in escrow, you have a full understanding on when and what to expect for a smooth closing Giving you a clear breakdown at our post-closing call of what you need to know to avoid bad surprises Making our suite of Mortgage Advisors available to run “what if” scenarios for questions that arrive through life in comparing investment, finance, and real estate options. Completing annual mortgage reviews for you to be updated on trust, retirement, tax, real estate, and mortgage resources. Ready To Start? Connect with Team Sosi Today! Phone: (949) 791-7429 #buyingahouseduringinflation #howtoinvestduringinflation #adjustableratemortgages #inflationinvestingstrategies #adjustablemortgageratesindetail #howtoprofitfrominflation #buyingahouse #investingduringinflation #inflationinvesting #buyingahousein2022 Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage which is incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of listening to any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your own research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contains dialog, music and images that are property of “Mortgage With Sosi”. You are authorized to share the video link and channel, embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our website is provided. © Mortgage With Sosi...(read more)

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