$18,000 A MONTH IRA Covered Call Trades for 2023 - 401k This is not financial advice In this new video about $18,000 A MONTH 401K Covered Call Trades for 2023 I talk about using The Poor Man's Covered Call Writing for profits to generate income and if you get your financial education and experience, chances are you too can use the strategy of Covered Call Writing for profits for success. I use Covered Call Writing for profits to generate passive income for my monthly cash flow. Covered Call Writing for profits allows me to generate THOUSANDS of dollars a month in cash flow income in retirement although not in retirement yet ... I generate passive income using the Covered Call Writing for profits investment strategy to do this for weekly and monthly cashflow income money! Writing Covered Calls for added monthly income Learn how to use Writing Covered Calls to make side money Covered Calls I show you how Writing Covered Calls can make you good money Covered Call Writing Writing Covered Calls weekly can make good income Poor Man's Free Writing Covered Calls training and learning PMCC Writing Covered Calls basics to learn how to use them Poor Man's Make good money with Writing Covered Calls investment strategy PMCC Writing Covered Calls for retirement cash flow Poor Man's Writing Covered Calls for a retirement part time job PMCC Poor Man's Unless otherwise mentioned, I use my money, 100% real money Covered Call trades or Cash Secured Puts ... I never paper trade my Covered Call or Cash Secured Puts trades and can prove any trade I mention ... you want proof, you can email me directly at corepositiontrading@gmail.com and we will setup a time and date to discuss via email with a PayPal donation to a charity so you get SKIN IN THE GAME if you're gonna ask me to prove a trade ... been asked too many times then I hear nothing back ... wasting my freakin time. *FREE SIGN UP FOR MY COVERED CALL NEWSLETTER* Sign up for my FREE Covered Call Writing for profits Newsletter on my website - *My FREE Covered Call Screener the CPT Dashboard Get your FREE copy of my Covered Call Writing for profits World Famous Covered Call Writing for profits CPTDashboard ... 100% for FREE - *JOIN OUR OFF YOUTUBE DISCUSSION ON FACEBOOK* - Thanks for viewing! Core Position Trading LLC. Disclaimer blah blah blah - Why are you reading this? Ok, I guess - Disclaimer: Everything expressed in this video is a personal opinion provided for entertainment value only. I am not a professional nor a financial advisor. These are not instructions, suggestions, nor directions as to how to handle your money. Please, always do your own due diligence. Also, I may earn a commission for purchases made using my links. Do not treat any opinion expressed on this YouTube channel as a specific inducement to make a particular investment or follow a particular strategy, but only as an expression of opinion. Opinions expressed are based upon information considered reliable, but this YouTube channel does not warrant its completeness or accuracy, and it should not be relied upon as such. This YouTube channel is not under any obligation to update or correct any information provided in these videos or their descriptions. Statements and opinions are subject to change without notice. Past performance is not indicative of future results. This YouTube channel does not guarantee any specific outcome or profit. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any strategy or investment discussed on this YouTube channel. Strategies or investments discussed may fluctuate in price or value. Investors may get back less than invested or lose more than their original investment. Investments or strategies mentioned on this YouTube channel may not be suitable for you. This material does not consider your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for you. You must make an independent decision regarding investments or strategies mentioned on this YouTube channel. Before acting on information on this YouTube channel, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment advisor. Make more money using stocks writing covered calls for income writing covered calls for a living writing calls for income writing calls and puts Writing Covered Calls puts and calls on the same stock Writing Covered Calls puts Writing Covered Calls put options strategy Writing Covered Calls options on stock you already own Writing Covered Calls in the money puts Writing Covered Calls deep in the money calls strategy Writing Covered Calls deep in the money calls #CoveredCallKing #BestCoveredCallTrade #MostLegitYouTubeTrader...(read more)

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation
Are you looking for a way to make your retirement savings grow even faster? If so, you may want to consider the $18,000 a month IRA covered call trades for 2023 - 401k. This strategy can help you maximize your returns while still maintaining control of your investments. This strategy involves buying call options on stocks or ETFs that you already own in your IRA. You then sell the call options for a premium, which is a fixed amount of money paid upfront for the right to buy the underlying asset at a predetermined price. If the price of the underlying asset increases, you can exercise your option to buy the asset at the predetermined price, thus making a profit from the difference. This strategy is especially beneficial for those who are looking to increase their retirement savings in a relatively short amount of time. By leveraging the power of options, you can potentially generate a return of up to 18% per month. This is significantly higher than the average return of the stock market, which is typically around 8-10%. The key to making this strategy work is to choose the right underlying asset. You should look for stocks or ETFs that have a history of consistently increasing in value over time. You should also look for assets that have a high implied volatility, as this will increase the amount of premium you can receive for selling the call options. Finally, you should make sure that you are comfortable with the risks associated with this strategy. Although you can potentially make a lot of money in a short amount of time, there is always the risk that the underlying asset will decrease in value, resulting in a loss. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you are aware of the risks before entering into this strategy. Overall, the $18,000 a month IRA covered call trades for 2023 - 401k is a great way to increase your retirement savings in a relatively short amount of time. By leveraging the power of options, you can potentially generate a return of up to 18% per month. However, you should make sure that you are aware of the risks associated with this strategy before entering into it. https://inflationprotection.org/18000-a-month-ira-covered-call-trades-for-2023-401k/?feed_id=68503&_unique_id=63e22e4d74242 #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #coveredcallstockselection #coveredcallstocks #howtowritecoveredcallsforweeklyincome #makeweeklypaycheckusingthecoveredcallinvestmentstrategy #pickingcoveredcallsstocks #seehowiselectgreatcoveredcallwritingstocks #seehowtosellcoveredcallsforweeklypaychecks #weeklycoveredcalls #weeklyoptionswritingcoveredcalls #writingcoveredcallsforincomeweeklyoptions #writingcoveredcallsusingstocks #writingweeklycoveredcalls #401k #coveredcallstockselection #coveredcallstocks #howtowritecoveredcallsforweeklyincome #makeweeklypaycheckusingthecoveredcallinvestmentstrategy #pickingcoveredcallsstocks #seehowiselectgreatcoveredcallwritingstocks #seehowtosellcoveredcallsforweeklypaychecks #weeklycoveredcalls #weeklyoptionswritingcoveredcalls #writingcoveredcallsforincomeweeklyoptions #writingcoveredcallsusingstocks #writingweeklycoveredcalls
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