L'inflation s'est installée dans la vie et les préoccupations de chacun. Et pour cause : inférieure à 2% en juin 2021 dans la zone Euro, l'inflation y a dépassé 10% en octobre dernier et son reflux est lent depuis. En France, elle a culminé à 6,2% en octobre 2021 pour refluer à 5,9% en décembre. La baisse est plus significative aux Etats-Unis où l'augmentation des prix à la consommation a diminué de 9,1 à 6,5%. Pour les épargnants ce n'est pas sans conséquence. Alors que faire en 2023 ? Patrick Artus, chef économiste de Natixis, et Olivier Weller, directeur général adjoint de MAIF Solutions Financières et explorent avec nous les scénarios à venir et nous expliquent pourquoi et comment adapter nos choix d'investissement aux différents cas de figure. Découvrez nos solutions en gestion de patrimoine sur ...(read more)

HOW TO: Hedge Against Inflation
REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation
As the world economy continues to struggle to recover from the pandemic, many investors are looking for ways to protect their assets from the effects of inflation and rising interest rates. Le + Patrimonial is a new investment platform that provides investors with a range of options to help them protect their assets against inflation and rising interest rates. The platform offers a range of products that are designed to help investors protect their investments and ensure that their assets remain safe and secure. The products offered by Le + Patrimonial include: • Investment funds: These funds are designed to help investors protect their assets against inflation and rising interest rates. The funds are managed by experienced professionals who are able to select the best investments to help investors protect their assets. • Fixed-income investments: Fixed-income investments are designed to provide investors with a steady stream of income. These investments are typically low-risk and are designed to provide investors with a secure and reliable income. • Commodity investments: Commodity investments are designed to help investors diversify their portfolios and protect their assets against inflation and rising interest rates. Commodity investments include gold, silver, and other precious metals. • Real estate investments: Real estate investments are designed to help investors protect their assets against inflation and rising interest rates. Real estate investments can provide investors with a steady stream of income and can provide investors with the opportunity to diversify their portfolios. Le + Patrimonial also provides investors with access to a range of financial advisors who can provide investors with advice and guidance on how to protect their assets against inflation and rising interest rates. The advisors are experienced professionals who are able to provide investors with the best advice to ensure that their investments remain safe and secure. Le + Patrimonial is a great platform for investors who are looking for ways to protect their assets against inflation and rising interest rates. The platform offers a range of options to help investors protect their investments and ensure that their assets remain safe and secure. https://inflationprotection.org/le-patrimonial-que-faire-face-a-linflation-et-aux-hausses-de-taux-en-2023/?feed_id=73879&_unique_id=63faee8a0d29e #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #2023 #analyse #conseils #consommation #épargne #haussedestaux #inflation #inflationhedgeinvestments #inflationinvestmentstrategy #inflationprotectedsecurities #inflationprotectionstrategy #investissements #investisseurs #patrimoine #placement #recession #InflationHedge #2023 #analyse #conseils #consommation #épargne #haussedestaux #inflation #inflationhedgeinvestments #inflationinvestmentstrategy #inflationprotectedsecurities #inflationprotectionstrategy #investissements #investisseurs #patrimoine #placement #recession
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