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EN ESTE EPISODIO: Esto es un "Cómo hacerlo". Espero que te sirva mucho. AQUI TIENES EL FOLLETO: Encuéntralo con el nombre de: "(EPISODIO 98) Escoge un deseo y hazlo realidad". UN MENSAJE PARA TI: Gracias por ser y estar, quiero que sepas que en este espacio se aprecia tu existencia, recibe un gran abrazo. Si necesitas escribirme puedes hacerlo a: Puedes también visitar nuestra página web y ver lo que tenemos por allí: Podemos quedarnos en contacto en las siguientes redes: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: SUSCRIBETE AL CANAL: Puedes escuchar este podcast en múltiples plataformas, aquí te dejo algunas: SPOTIFY: APPLE PODCAST: AMAZON MUSIC: AUDIBLE: IVOOX: LISTEN NOTES: No se si lo sabes pero soy cantautora y en este playlist vas a encontrar algunas de mis canciones inspiradas en los temas que tratamos en este canal: PLAYLIST: Una vez más, gracias por darme tu tiempo y energía, estoy profundamente agradecida. Nathaly...(read more)

REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA
Have you ever wished for something and felt like it was just out of reach? Maybe it was a specific career goal, a relationship or a dream vacation. Whatever it may be, the Escoge un Deseo y Hazlo Realidad con Este Método (Choose a Wish and Make it Reality with This Method) may be just what you need to turn your desires into tangible achievements. This method is a brief but effective strategy that allows you to define, visualize and work towards achieving your goals. Here are the steps you can follow to make your dream a reality. Step 1: Define Your Wish - The first step is to identify exactly what you want. This will require some introspection and self-reflection to fully understand your desires. Taking the time to consider your hopes and dreams is an essential step toward turning them into reality. Step 2: Visualize Your Wish - Once you have identified your wish, it's time to visualize it. Imagine what your life will look like when your wish has been fulfilled. Picture yourself in that job or enjoying that dream vacation, and how it will make you feel. Step 3: Believe in Your Wish - Believing in your wish is perhaps the most important part of this method. When you have a strong belief in yourself and your ability to achieve your wish, it's easier to overcome any obstacles that may get in your way. Step 4: Take Action - To make your wish a reality, you need to take action. This means creating a plan and working towards your goal actively. Take small steps each day, and hold yourself accountable to make progress. Step 5: Celebrate Your Success - Finally, when you have achieved your wish, it's important to celebrate your success. Take the time to acknowledge and appreciate what you have accomplished. This will help you to continue working towards your goals in the future. In conclusion, this method is an effective way to turn your dreams into a reality. By defining your wish, visualizing it, believing in it, taking action, and celebrating your success, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Don't let your dreams just be wishes. Use the Escoge un Deseo y Hazlo Realidad con Este Método to make them a reality. #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #comocambiarcreencias #comocambiarcreenciasenelsubconsciente #comodescubrirquecreenciastienesenelsubconscienteparacambiarlas #comomanifestarcualquiercosa #comomanifestardinero #comomanifestarrapidamente #comosaberloquehayenmisubconsciente #desdeelcorazonpodcast #ejerciciosparacambiarcreencias #permitequelascosasbuenaslleguenati #porquecuandoasumoalgolascosascomienzanasalirmemal #porquecuandoasumoalgoprimeroveolocontrario #SimpleIRA #comocambiarcreencias #comocambiarcreenciasenelsubconsciente #comodescubrirquecreenciastienesenelsubconscienteparacambiarlas #comomanifestarcualquiercosa #comomanifestardinero #comomanifestarrapidamente #comosaberloquehayenmisubconsciente #desdeelcorazonpodcast #ejerciciosparacambiarcreencias #permitequelascosasbuenaslleguenati #porquecuandoasumoalgolascosascomienzanasalirmemal #porquecuandoasumoalgoprimeroveolocontrario


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