Get Your Gold IRA FREE Investor Guide Today! Click Below! Call (1-888-546-7020) Today! Marjory Wildcraft joins me to discuss methods to get your food growing up very quickly to produce half of the calories you need. Practical suggestions as we move into the spring planting season. ➡️ Free Sustainability Course from The Grow Network ●▬▬▬ LIVE BROADCAST Revolution Radio (Studio A) ▬▬▬● Thursday Nights 10 PM to Midnight (EST) Freedomslips.com ➡️ My Patriot Supply : Three Month Food Supply - 25 Year Shelf Life ➡️ True Leaf Market Heirloom Seeds ➡️ ADAPT 2030 Readiness Store ** DON'T GET SCAMMED! - Ladies & Gentlemen remember that I will never try to sell you something within the comments section; I will never share with you a phone number within the comments section so please make sure that if I comment or reply to your comment check to see if there is a check mark next to my name & thumbnail; the check mark verifies that it is me and not someone else trying to take advantage of you. Please be careful and don't get scammed and or ripped off by the WhatsApp lookalikes. ●▬▬▬ ADAPT 2030 Climate Preparedness Channels ▬▬▬● Patreon ➡️ SubscribeStar ➡️ PayPal ➡️ ●▬▬▬ PODCAST Mini Ice Age Conversations ▬▬▬● iTunes: Libsyn: Soundcloud: (MIAC) Podcast Channel #gardening #supplychain #gold #adapt2030 ●▬▬▬ Social ▬▬▬● BRIGHTEON: VIGILANTE.TV BITCHUTE: RUMBLE: ...(read more)

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As the world becomes more hectic and uncertain, more and more people are turning to growing their own food as a way to both save money and ensure they have access to healthy, nutritious produce. However, traditional gardening can be quite time-consuming, requiring months or even years of patience before you can begin to reap the rewards of your labor. Fortunately, there is a method of growing your own food very, very quickly that has become increasingly popular among those looking for a way to produce fresh, healthy produce in a matter of days rather than months. This method, known as microgreens, involves growing small seedlings of various vegetables and herbs in a shallow tray or container, where they will rapidly sprout and begin to produce tender, flavorful leaves that are perfect for salads, stir-fries, and other dishes. To get started with microgreens, all you need is a shallow container, some organic potting soil, and a variety of seeds for the vegetables or herbs you wish to grow. You can buy premade kits online, or you can simply gather the materials yourself and get started. Once you have your container and soil ready, sprinkle the seeds evenly over the surface of the soil, then cover them with a thin layer of additional soil. Water well and place the container in a sunny spot, making sure to keep the soil moist and the seeds well-cared for. Within just a few days, you should begin to see tiny sprouts poking up through the soil, signaling the beginning of your microgreen grow. From there, it's simply a matter of caring for the plants properly, ensuring they receive enough water and sunlight each day, and harvesting the leaves as they grow. Within a week or two, you will have a fresh, healthy crop of microgreens ready to eat or add to your favorite dishes. In addition to being incredibly quick and easy to grow, microgreens also have a number of health benefits that make them an attractive choice for many gardeners. They are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and are often more flavorful than their fully-grown counterparts. They also require much less space than traditional gardening, making them ideal for those who live in apartments or other small spaces. Overall, growing your own food very, very quickly with microgreens is a great way to both save money and enjoy healthy, flavorful produce that was grown right in your own home. So if you're looking for a new and exciting way to get into gardening, give microgreens a try – you won't be disappointed! https://inflationprotection.org/growing-your-own-food-very-very-quickly-marjory-wildcraft-1-2/?feed_id=78947&_unique_id=64145c40a43b5 #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #adapt2030 #agriculture #civilizationcycle #croplosses #daviddubyne #economyfood #firstmoveradvantage #food #foodenergy #foodprices #foodstorage #gardening #goldcopreciousmetals #growfoodfast #growhalfofyourcalories #growingfood #immediateoutlook #inflation #insightandanalysis #investinginasilverira #IRAeligiblesilver #makingyourownfertilizer #marjorywildcraft #miniiceageconversationspodcast #newera #silverbackedira #solutions #springplanting #startingagarden #surviveandthrive #thegrownetwork #whatcomesnext #SilverIRA #adapt2030 #agriculture #civilizationcycle #croplosses #daviddubyne #economyfood #firstmoveradvantage #food #foodenergy #foodprices #foodstorage #gardening #goldcopreciousmetals #growfoodfast #growhalfofyourcalories #growingfood #immediateoutlook #inflation #insightandanalysis #investinginasilverira #IRAeligiblesilver #makingyourownfertilizer #marjorywildcraft #miniiceageconversationspodcast #newera #silverbackedira #solutions #springplanting #startingagarden #surviveandthrive #thegrownetwork #whatcomesnext
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