Inflation is a centre focal point at the moment and will be for some time. Inflation affects all us directly. In this video I share 6 ways I am making money and protecting my wealth during high inflation. Jumoke x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this video are explicitly my own opinions and this video is for entertainment and educational purposes only. These views are NOT solicitation or recommendation buy or sell financial assets. I do not provide financial advice in this video. You should always conduct independent research of your own before investing. Investing of any kind involves risks and you are solely responsible for these. * NOTE: INVESTMENTS CAN RISE AND FALL - PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT AN INDICATION OF FUTURE RESULTS. #howtoinvest #inflation #moneyhabits...(read more)

HOW TO: Hedge Against Inflation
REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation
Inflation, simply put, is a general increase in the prices of goods and services in an economy over time. In times of high inflation, the value of money decreases, making it difficult to maintain the purchasing power of one's wealth. This can be particularly concerning for investors as inflation erodes the returns generated by certain types of investments. However, there are ways to successfully invest during high inflation and protect your wealth. 1. Invest in Real Estate: Real estate has always been a great hedge against inflation. When the cost of goods and services rise, so does the value of an asset in a stable market, like real estate. Investing in real estate can provide a reliable stream of income and appreciation potential over the long term. 2. Invest in Hard Assets: Hard assets include commodities such as gold, silver, and precious metals, which tend to perform well during times of high inflation. These assets can serve as a store of value and a hedge against inflation because they are tangible and easily accessible. 3. Buy Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS): TIPS are government bonds that adjust their principal based on the inflation rate. This means that the interest payments investors receive will increase as the inflation rate goes up, thus providing a hedge against inflation risk. TIPS can be a great option for investors looking to earn a real rate of return and protect their purchasing power during times of high inflation. 4. Diversify Your Portfolio: Diversification is a key element of any investment strategy, particularly during inflationary times. It is important to allocate your assets across different asset classes and sectors to reduce risk and protect against unexpected losses. 5. Invest in High-Yield Corporate Bonds: High-yield corporate bonds can provide investors with good returns while also protecting their wealth against inflation. These bonds typically offer higher returns than government bonds and can be a good option for investors looking for higher returns with moderate risk. 6. Focus on Stocks That Perform Well During Inflation: Certain stocks tend to perform well during times of high inflation. These include stocks in industries like healthcare, energy, and utilities that have pricing power and can increase their prices to keep up with inflation. These stocks can be a good addition to a well-rounded portfolio, helping investors protect against inflation risk while also earning potential returns. Overall, investing during times of high inflation can be challenging, but by diversifying your portfolio, investing in hard assets, real estate, TIPS, high-yield bonds, and inflation-focused stocks, you can protect your wealth and potentially earn worthwhile returns. As always, it is important to consult with a financial advisor to understand your specific financial situation and investment goals before making any investment decisions. https://inflationprotection.org/insights-from-a-banker-top-6-strategies-for-investing-in-high-inflation-for-securing-your-assets/?feed_id=82440&_unique_id=6423c54cee218 #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #Accountantexplains #BankerExplains #bestpassiveincomeideas #bestwaystobeatinflation #bestwaystomakemoneynow #howtobeatinflation #howtoincreaseyourwealthduringhighinflation #howtoinvestinthestockmarket #howtomakemoneyduringhighinflation2023 #JumokeMi #Nischa #savingmoneytips #ThefederalReserve #whatisinflation #whyiseverythinggettingsoexpensive #whyisinflationsohigh #whyUSinflationsohigh #InflationHedge #Accountantexplains #BankerExplains #bestpassiveincomeideas #bestwaystobeatinflation #bestwaystomakemoneynow #howtobeatinflation #howtoincreaseyourwealthduringhighinflation #howtoinvestinthestockmarket #howtomakemoneyduringhighinflation2023 #JumokeMi #Nischa #savingmoneytips #ThefederalReserve #whatisinflation #whyiseverythinggettingsoexpensive #whyisinflationsohigh #whyUSinflationsohigh
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