Get a 10-Day Free Trial of Market Insiders: . . 🚨Subscribe to our FREE Finance & Business Newsletter🚨 Financial News You Can Finally Use: After the 2008 crash, tax payers were reassured that big businesses learned their lesson and that they wouldn't need bailouts again. Now, in 2020, the bailouts are starting all over again Subscribe To Our Channel: Recommended: Things You NEED To Understand About The New Economy: Why Financial Education Is More Important Now Than Ever: STOP Bailing Out The Airlines And Banks 0:18 - The $700 bailout with TARP after the 2008 crash 1:59 - Who is getting bailed out during the 2020 economic crisis 3:25 - Airline companies spent $45 billion on stock buy backs and now want a $50 billion bailout 4:07 - Indirect bank bailouts 5:00 - Bank bailouts through the Fed buying bonds from banks 6:18 - The indirect bailout to buy corporate bond ETFs 7:30 - Tax payer paid bailouts are to protect a business that’s too big to fail 7:56 - The risk of bailing out businesses 9:20 - What happens when a business fails for employees through bankruptcy 10:50 - Bailouts breed market unfairness What Is The Minority Mindset? We are a financial news & education company. The Minority Mindset has nothing to do with the way you look, your ethnicity, or your skin color. It's the mindset of thinking differently than the majority of people when it comes to your money. #MIH #GetMoneySmart Check out some of our recommended products! Please note: some of the links are from our sponsors, so if you use them, we will get compensated. There's no additional cost to you. ---------- ➤ Fundrise 1) 🏠 Fundrise - Invest in real estate with as little as $500! See the historical returns here: ---------- ➤ CIT Bank 2) 🏦 CIT Bank - Get a much better interest rate on your savings account with no fees. CIT Bank is FDIC Insured and conditions apply: ---------- ➤ Webull 3) 📈 Webull - Buy & sell stocks, pay $0 in commissions, and get a free stock: ---------- ➤ Credit Cards 4) 💰 Credit cards are great if you know how to use them the right way. Here's a breakdown of our favorite cards: Best cash back credit cards: Best travel credit cards: Best business credit cards: ---------- ➤Credible 5) 💸 Credible - Refinance your student loans with the lowest interest rates possible - see how much you can saving: ---------- ➤ Policygenius 6) 🛡 Policygenius - make sure your family is protected with life insurance. Policygenius will find you the best deal at no additional cost: ---------- ➤ Airbnb 7) 🏘 Airbnb - earn extra income by listing your home: ---------- Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: See more & read our blog! This Video: Channel: Video host: Jaspreet Singh DISCLAIMER: This description may contain links from our affiliates, sponsors, and partners. If you use these products, we will get compensated - but there's no additional cost to you. DISCLAIMER CONT'D: I'm just a random guy on YouTube so do your own research! Jaspreet Singh is not a licensed financial advisor. He is a licensed attorney, but is he is not providing you with legal advice in these videos. This video, the topics discussed, and ideas presented are Jaspreet's opinions and presented for entertainment purposes only. The information presented should not be construed as financial or legal advice. Always do your own due diligence....(read more)

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation
The recent pandemic outbreak has shown us how fragile our economy is. The government has been actively involved in providing stimulus packages and bailing out big businesses in order to keep the economy afloat. However, there has been much debate about whether such bailouts are actually helpful in the long run. One of the most talked-about industries that received a bailout during the pandemic is the airline industry. Various airlines worldwide faced huge losses due to the travel restrictions imposed by governments to contain the spread of the virus. To save the airlines from bankruptcy, many governments stepped in by providing bailouts and grants. The problem with such bailout packages is that they tend to be very costly and tend to create a moral hazard. A moral hazard refers to the notion that these businesses become more reckless and make decisions that lead to more risk-taking because they know that the government will ultimately come to their rescue. Furthermore, it is the common people's tax money that is being used to support these big businesses. This raises questions about the fairness of government intervention in the economy. In such a scenario, it is vital to ensure that such bailouts are only given when all other options have been exhausted. Another industry that has been bailed out several times by the government is the banking industry. The banking sector is an essential part of the economy, and providing assistance during the time of crisis might seem like a wise decision. However, the problem with bailing out banks is that it rewards reckless behavior and keeps the status quo by keeping poorly performing banks afloat. Moreover, bailing out banks might create an illusion of safety among savers, who might believe that their deposits are guaranteed. This could lead to more risky investments, and in turn, increase the likelihood of another financial crisis. In conclusion, while some might argue that bailing out big businesses is essential to protect the economy, it is crucial to acknowledge the potential repercussions of such bailouts. Instead of relying on short-term fixes, governments should focus on creating long-term solutions that help businesses sustain through difficult times. It is time to rethink the whole concept of bailouts and ensure accountability and responsibility among businesses. The government must stop bailing out big businesses and find more effective and sustainable solutions to the problems they face. https://inflationprotection.org/cease-rescuing-major-corporations-airline-and-bank-bailouts/?feed_id=92744&_unique_id=644dba997dddf #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #2020bailouts #2020stockmarketcrash #airlinebailout #bailout #bailouts2020 #bailoutsexplained #bailoutsstockbuybacks #bankbailoutsexplained #bankbankouts #businessbailouts #economiccrash #financialcrisis #financialeducation #getmoneysmart #jaspreetsingh #minoritymindset #minority123 #minoritymindset #stopbailingoutbusinesses #stopbailouts #thegreatlockdown #whoisgettingabailout #BankFailures #2020bailouts #2020stockmarketcrash #airlinebailout #bailout #bailouts2020 #bailoutsexplained #bailoutsstockbuybacks #bankbailoutsexplained #bankbankouts #businessbailouts #economiccrash #financialcrisis #financialeducation #getmoneysmart #jaspreetsingh #minoritymindset #minority123 #minoritymindset #stopbailingoutbusinesses #stopbailouts #thegreatlockdown #whoisgettingabailout
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