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EPFO's Defiance of SC Ruling for Increased EPS Pension - Contempt of Court | Latest News on EPS-95

This video highlights the ongoing legal battle between the Employees' Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) and the Supreme Court of India over the issue of higher EPS (Employee Pension Scheme) pension for EPF (Employee Provident Fund) members. The Supreme Court had ordered the EPFO to grant higher pension benefits to eligible members by changing the pension calculation formula, but it appears that EPFO is allegedly circumventing this order by imposing unrealistic conditions for members to become eligible for the higher pension benefits. The video discusses the impact of EPFO's conditions on millions of EPF members who have been contributing to the fund and expecting fair pension benefits in return. It also raises questions about whether EPFO is flouting the Supreme Court's order and denying eligible EPF members their rightful pension benefits. In light of these concerns, the video highlights the possibility of contempt of court proceedings against EPFO. Through expert analysis and insightful commentary, this video provides a comprehensive understanding of the legal complexities and challenges involved in the fight for fair and just pension benefits for EPF members. In this video, we examine the reasons behind the SC's order for higher EPS pension, the specific conditions imposed by EPFO, and the implications of EPFO's alleged contempt of court. We also discuss the impact of this ongoing legal battle on EPF members who are seeking fair and just pension benefits. Join us as we explore the complexities of this case and the various factors at play in the fight for higher EPS pension. Article Link :- Watch this playlist of EPF Higher Pension. It will help you to decide whether to opt for it or not ? #ContemptOfCourt #EPFO #SupremeCourt #HigherEPSPension #EmployeePensionScheme #EPFMembers #PensionBenefits #PensionCalculationFormula #LegalBattle #CircumventingSCOrder #EligibilityConditions #FairPensionBenefits #JusticeForEPFMembers #EPFHigherPension #eps95 #howtoapply #stepbystep #eps95latestnews #eps95news #eps95pension #eps95latestupdate #PensionScheme #EmployeePension #PensionUpdates #PensionNews #EPFContribution #RetirementPlanning #IndianEmployees #financialplanning #EPFHigherPensionScheme #EPFPension #EmployeeProvidentFund #RetirementPlanning #PensionBenefits #EPFSavings #FinancialPlanning #EPFIndia #EPFBenefits #HigherPension #EPFUpdates #extrinsiccoaching #newpensionscheme Contempt of Court, EPFO, Supreme Court of India, Higher EPS Pension, Employee Pension Scheme, EPF members, pension benefits, pension calculation formula, legal battle, circumventing SC order, eligibility conditions, fair pension benefits, justice for EPF members, EPF higher pension Joint application form Online application form EPF pension scheme EPF contribution EPF account Retirement planning Pension benefits Retirement savings Indian pension system Financial planning Retirement fund Employee provident fund Provident fund scheme Indian government scheme EPF Higher Pension Scheme Employee Provident Fund EPF Pension Retirement Planning Pension Benefits EPF Savings Financial Planning EPF India EPF Benefits Higher Pension EPF Updates EPF Eligibility Pension Scheme for Employees EPF Rules and Regulations EPF Explained EPF and Pension Planning New Pension Scheme EPS 95 Latest Circular Update EPF Higher Pension Latest News eps 95 pension latest news today, epfo news today, eps 95, employee pension scheme, epfo, epf, EPF Higher Pension Scheme, Employee Provident Fund, EPF Pension, Retirement Planning, Pension Benefits, Financial Planning, EPF India, EPF Benefits, Higher Pension, EPF Updates, EPF Eligibility, Pension Scheme for Employees, EPF Rules and Regulations, EPF and Pension Planning, higher pension, faq, New Pension Scheme, eps 95 pension latest news, eps 95 news today, eps 95 pension, epf pension latest news My Graphics Drawing Tablet :- My Tripod :- My Microphone :- My Laptop :- My social media Links: ► Subscribe us on YouTube: ► Like our page on Facebook: ► Follow us on Instagram: ► Follow us on Telegram: ►For Any Query, Email me at: more)

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Contempt of Court: EPFO's Circumvention of SC Order for Higher EPS Pension | EPS- 95 Latest News in English Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about the circular issued by the Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) to all its regional offices, asking them to calculate pension benefits based on an average of the last 60 months' salary rather than the last 12 months. Many experts have criticized this circular, terming it as a blatant circumvention of the Supreme Court's order for providing higher pension benefits to Employees Pension Scheme (EPS) members. In case you are unaware, last year the Supreme Court had passed an order in the matter of 'Employees' Pension Scheme (EPS) 1995,' directing the EPFO to provide higher pension benefits to its members. The Supreme Court had directed the EPFO to calculate pension benefits based on the last 12 months' salary rather than the last 60 months. The Supreme Court's order was based on the logic that EPS members who had worked for a more extended period would be at a disadvantage, as the calculation of their pension benefits would be based on the average of a more extended duration. Therefore, the Supreme Court directed the EPFO to calculate pension benefits based on the last 12 months' salary to ensure that all members were provided with a fair and equal pension amount. However, it seems that the EPFO is trying to circumvent the Supreme Court's order by issuing a circular to all its regional offices to calculate pension benefits based on the last 60 months' salary. The circular issued by the EPFO argues that the Supreme Court's order is only applicable to members who have contributed to the EPS scheme for less than 12 years. For members who have contributed to the scheme for more than 12 years, the circular states that the EPFO can calculate pension benefits based on the last 60 months' average salary. Experts have criticized the EPFO's circular, stating that it goes against the spirit of the Supreme Court's order. They argue that the Supreme Court's order was aimed at providing higher pension benefits to all EPS members, irrespective of the duration of their contribution. By calculating pension benefits based on the last 60 months' salary, the EPFO is going against the Supreme Court's order and providing lesser pension benefits to EPS members who have contributed for a more extended period. The EPFO's circular has also led to many EPS members protesting against the decision. Many EPS members have argued that the EPFO's circular is a clear violation of the Supreme Court's order and that the EPFO is willfully disobeying the court's directions. In conclusion, the EPFO's circular to calculate pension benefits based on an average of the last 60 months' salary rather than the last 12 months goes against the Supreme Court's order for providing higher pension benefits to EPS members. The circular is a clear example of contempt of court and a violation of the Supreme Court's directions. The EPFO needs to rectify its mistake and provide all EPS members with the full and fair pension benefits that they are entitled to. #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #circumventingSCorder #ContemptofCourt #eligibilityconditions #employeepensionscheme #EmployeeProvidentFund #EPFmembers #epfo #epfohigherpension #epfolatestnews #epfonewstoday #epfopensionscheme #eps95higherpensionlatestnews #eps95newstoday #eps95pension #eps95pensionlatestnews #eps95pensionlatestnewstoday #EPS95 #fairpensionbenefits #justiceforEPFmembers. #legalbattle #pensioncalculationformula #SupremeCourtofIndia #RetirementPension #circumventingSCorder #ContemptofCourt #eligibilityconditions #employeepensionscheme #EmployeeProvidentFund #EPFmembers #epfo #epfohigherpension #epfolatestnews #epfonewstoday #epfopensionscheme #eps95higherpensionlatestnews #eps95newstoday #eps95pension #eps95pensionlatestnews #eps95pensionlatestnewstoday #EPS95 #fairpensionbenefits #justiceforEPFmembers. #legalbattle #pensioncalculationformula #SupremeCourtofIndia


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