🆓 ➡️ Protect Against Inflation Checklist: In this video I am going to give you strategies on how to protect against inflation. Investing for beginners can sometimes seem overwhelming especially during times of inflation, but learning how to invest can makes things seem less stressful and provide you with some inflation investing strategies. If you are looking for inflation explained or what is inflation, I will start the video by breaking it down for you and then show you strategies to hedge against inflation. Inflation in 2022 has quickly turned into hyperinflation and it seems to be going up more and more each day. You don’t fully have to understand inflation economics or even know what is inflation economics or know the different types of inflation to be able to learn how to protect yourself from inflation. Once you watch this video not only will you learn how to protect yourself from inflation, but you can also learn how to profit from inflation. I will go over ideas on what to invest in during inflation and the best investments for high inflation. Please note I am not a financial advisor and you should always speak to your own financial advisor before making any investments. If you want to learn how to protect your money from inflation, then let’s jump right in. 👍 Don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if it was helpful. I really appreciate it! Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA vs. 401k: Index Funds vs. Mutual Funds vs. ETFs Which One Is Best For Becoming A Millionaire: Treasury Direct Website for I Bonds: 👉 Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any of the 3 weekly videos posted on money, saving, and investing: If you have been out shopping for groceries, gas for your car, and other products recently, you may have noticed that things have gotten a lot more expensive lately. This is due to inflation and it’s at an all-time high! So today we are going to talk about inflation, and some investing strategies that you can implement in order to help fight inflation and potentially even profit from it. Just in case you want to be able to review all of the strategies, I created an easy to follow checklist, with a bonus tip, that you can download in the notes section below. So, let’s jump right in. So what is inflation? Simply put, inflation is the rising prices of products and services in the economy. When prices go up, each dollar has less purchasing power, so essentially one can buy less products and services with each dollar resulting in a decrease of purchasing power. The loss of purchasing power can affect the cost of living for all of us, which in the end leads to a slowdown in economic growth. Since it appears that inflation will be with us for some time, what are some investment strategies that you might be able to implement to fight the effects of rising inflation? Before we talk about that I want to say that I am not a financial adviser and you should always consult with your financial adviser before making any investments. Since inflation is soaring and the purchasing power of each dollar is becoming less, it’s a good idea to not keep very much cash on hand due to the decrease in purchasing power when inflation is high, however I can’t overstate the importance of making sure that you have an emergency fund in cash. I usually recommend that people keep 3 to 6 months of expenses in their emergency fund. Even though interest rates on savings accounts are low and are unlikely to beat the rate of inflation anytime soon, it is still important to have cash on hand in case there is an emergency such as a job loss, a home repair, car repair, medical bill, you get the idea. There are some online banks that offer higher interest rates than traditional banks, so that could be worth checking out to get the highest interest rate possible. Once you have established an emergency fund, then the next step to consider is investing your remaining cash. Now, you may be wondering where do I invest that remaining cash?? Before I get into the first strategy, don’t forget to poke the like button. The first strategy that can hedge against inflation is contributing to your employer sponsored retirement account like a 401K or IRA, if you have that option available to you. If your employer offers this benefit but you haven’t signed up, consider doing so. Often times, employers will match your contribution up to a certain percentage. I always recommend that people take advantage of this strategy and at least contribute as much as the employer will match because it is a 100% return on your investment before your money is even invested, essentially it is free money and part of your overall compensation package....(read more)

HOW TO: Hedge Against Inflation
REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation
Inflation can have a significant impact on your investments, eroding the value of your assets and reducing your purchasing power. To protect your investments from the effects of inflation, you need to understand how it works and develop an effective inflation investing strategy. Inflation is a sustained increase in the price level of goods and services. When inflation occurs, the value of your money decreases over time, which means that you will need more of it to buy the same things. This can be particularly problematic for investors who are saving for long-term goals, such as retirement, as inflation can greatly reduce the value of their savings by the time they are ready to withdraw them. To protect against inflation, investors can employ a range of strategies, including: 1. Investing in stocks: Stocks are often considered to be one of the best investments for protecting against inflation, as companies can adjust their prices to reflect inflation, which can help them maintain their profits. However, it’s important to choose companies that are likely to thrive in an inflationary environment. 2. Investing in real estate: Real estate can also be a good hedge against inflation, as property values tend to rise in line with inflation, which can provide a reliable source of income and capital appreciation. However, investing in real estate can be expensive, and it’s important to carefully research and choose properties in desirable locations. 3. Investing in commodities: Commodities such as gold, silver, oil, and other natural resources can also be a good hedge against inflation, as their prices often rise when inflation is high. However, commodity prices can be volatile, and it’s important to make informed decisions based on market conditions. 4. Investing in inflation-protected securities: Bonds and other debt securities that are indexed to inflation can also be a good way to protect against inflation, as they provide a guaranteed return that is adjusted for inflation. However, these securities can be more expensive and less liquid than traditional bonds, and they may not be suitable for all investors. 5. Diversifying your portfolio: Perhaps the most important strategy for protecting against inflation is to diversify your portfolio across a range of assets, including stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities. This can help you spread your risk and reduce your exposure to any one particular asset class or sector. When investing for beginners, it’s important to keep in mind that inflation can be a complex and unpredictable force, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution for protecting against it. However, by understanding how inflation works and developing an effective investing strategy, you can help protect your investments from the harmful effects of inflation and achieve your long-term financial goals. https://inflationprotection.org/inflation-investing-strategies-for-beginners-how-to-safeguard-your-portfolio-against-inflation/?feed_id=85037&_unique_id=642e556f48f5e #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #Bonds #governmentbonds #hedgeagainstinflation #howtoinvest #howtoprofitfrominflation #howtoprotectagainstinflation #HowtoProtectYourMoneyfromInflation #howtoprotectyourselfagainstinflation #hyperinflation #inflation #inflation2022 #inflationeconomics #inflationexplained #inflationhedgeinvestments #inflationinvestingstrategies #inflationproofinvestments #inflationtype #investagainstinflation #investingforbeginners #protectagainstinflation #protectyourselffrominflation #wealthprotection #whatisinflation #whatisinflationeconomics #InflationHedge #Bonds #governmentbonds #hedgeagainstinflation #howtoinvest #howtoprofitfrominflation #howtoprotectagainstinflation #HowtoProtectYourMoneyfromInflation #howtoprotectyourselfagainstinflation #hyperinflation #inflation #inflation2022 #inflationeconomics #inflationexplained #inflationhedgeinvestments #inflationinvestingstrategies #inflationproofinvestments #inflationtype #investagainstinflation #investingforbeginners #protectagainstinflation #protectyourselffrominflation #wealthprotection #whatisinflation #whatisinflationeconomics
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