🚨Read Our FREE eBook🚨 Get Richer Sleeping - Investing 101: Many people were shocked to see their 401k accounts dropping in value after the 2020 economic slowdown. This is why you need to know how to manage your 401(k) the right way and in this video, we talk about how to manage your 401k during a recession. Subscribe To Our Channel: Recommended: Things You NEED To Understand About The New Economy: Real Estate Investing: How To Manage Your 401k During A Recession 0:23 - The majority of people have been investing in their 401k as their retirement plan for years and are worried about what to do with their 401(k) 1:44 - How the 401k works as a tax deferred retirement account and an investment account 2:45 - How the 401k is changing during this pandemic by letting you pull out $100,000 from your 401k 3:30 - Understanding 401k taxes in this economic slowdown and comparing a Traditional 401k with a Roth 401k 5:00 - How to protect yourself from taxes going up in the future with a Roth 401k 5:10 - What to do if your company suspends your 401k match 6:20 - The downfall of investing in your 401k especially if you aren’t getting a company match 7:30 - Why financial education is so important to invest your money in your 401k 8:04 - Understand your 401k fees by comparing actively managed funds and passively managed funds in your 401k 10:20 - Comparing a passively managed fund with actively managed fund for your 401k 11:55 - When actively managed funds can be the most useful 12:08 - Asset allocation in your 401k - how to manage your 401k money the right way 13:36 - Why I’m not a big fan of retirement planning and my idea of lifestyle design plus investing for cash flow 14:45 - How to grow your money tax free with real estate What Is The Minority Mindset? We are a financial news & education company. The Minority Mindset has nothing to do with the way you look, your ethnicity, or your skin color. It's the mindset of thinking differently than the majority of people when it comes to your money. #MIH #GetMoneySmart Check out some of our recommended products! Please note: some of the links are from our sponsors, so if you use them, we will get compensated. There's no additional cost to you. ---------- ➤ Fundrise 1) 🏠 Fundrise - Invest in real estate with as little as $500! See the historical returns here: ---------- ➤ CIT Bank 2) 🏦 CIT Bank - Get a much better interest rate on your savings account with no fees. CIT Bank is FDIC Insured and conditions apply: ---------- ➤ Webull 3) 📈 Webull - Buy & sell stocks, pay $0 in commissions, and get a free stock: ---------- ➤ Credit Cards 4) 💰 Credit cards are great if you know how to use them the right way. Here's a breakdown of our favorite cards: Best cash back credit cards: Best travel credit cards: Best business credit cards: ---------- ➤Credible 5) 💸 Credible* - Refinance or get a new mortgage Mortgage Refinance: New Mortgage: *Advertisement from Credible Operations, Inc. NMLS 1681276, not available in all states. Visit important information about Credible’s licenses. ---------- ➤ Policygenius 6) 🛡 Policygenius - make sure your family is protected with life insurance. Policygenius will find you the best deal at no additional cost: ---------- ➤ Airbnb 7) 🏘 Airbnb - earn extra income by listing your home: ---------- Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: See more & read our blog! This Video: Channel: Video host: Jaspreet Singh DISCLAIMER: This description may contain links from our affiliates, sponsors, and partners. If you use these products, we will get compensated - but there's no additional cost to you. DISCLAIMER CONT'D: I'm just a random guy on YouTube so do your own research! Jaspreet Singh is not a licensed financial advisor. He is a licensed attorney, but is he is not providing you with legal advice in these videos. This video, the topics discussed, and ideas presented are Jaspreet's opinions and presented for entertainment purposes only. The information presented should not be construed as financial or legal advice. Always do your own due diligence....(read more)

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation
During an economic recession, managing your 401k retirement plan can be a daunting task. However, there are several things you can do to help safeguard your financial future. One of the most effective options available during these tough times is the 401k CARES Act. The 401k CARES Act is a financial support package aimed at providing relief for individuals affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The CARES Act allows for more flexible retirement plan options, including enhanced hardship withdrawals and loans from 401k accounts. If you're experiencing financial hardship during this recession, this could be beneficial for you. To manage your 401k effectively in a recession, consider the following strategies: 1. Maximize your contributions: Contributing as much as you can to your 401k can help you earn more in compound interest while leaving you with fewer liquid assets to spend. 2. Diversify your portfolio: Both within your 401k and outside of it, investing in different sectors can help spread your investments across multiple industries. This helps mitigate your exposure if one sector suffers significant losses. 3. Consider risk management: Managing risk can help protect your investment portfolio, especially during a recession. Understanding your risk tolerance and the risks associated with different investments can protect you from significant losses. 4. Stay engaged with your employer: Stay up-to-date with your employer and their policies surrounding their 401k plan. Consider attending their financial education courses or consulting with a financial advisor to ensure you're making informed decisions. If you're experiencing financial distress, the 401k CARES Act may be a helpful option worth exploring. Use these tips to make better investment decisions and take control of your retirement plan, even during tough economic times. https://inflationprotection.org/managing-your-401k-during-a-recession-tips-and-strategies-under-the-cares-act/?feed_id=92268&_unique_id=644bce2434761 #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #401k #401kcaresact #401kcaresact2020 #401kcorona #401kcrash #401kcrisis #401kinvesting #401kinvestmentoptions #401kloan #401kloanrepayment #401kplan #401kwithdrawal #getmoneysmart #howtomanageyour401k #howtomanageyour401kyourself #investingin401k #investingwith401k #jaspreetsingh #manageyour401kduringarecession #minoritymindset #minority123 #minoritymindset #withdrawfrom401k #401k #401k #401kcaresact #401kcaresact2020 #401kcorona #401kcrash #401kcrisis #401kinvesting #401kinvestmentoptions #401kloan #401kloanrepayment #401kplan #401kwithdrawal #getmoneysmart #howtomanageyour401k #howtomanageyour401kyourself #investingin401k #investingwith401k #jaspreetsingh #manageyour401kduringarecession #minoritymindset #minority123 #minoritymindset #withdrawfrom401k
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