"An Explanation in Hindi: The Possibility of Another Recession in India Due to the US Bank Crisis, Presented by Rahul Malodia"

Another bank in USA is on the urge to fail. First Republic Bank had $70 Billion in its favour but people are loosing trust in such banks. In this video Rahul Malodia will elaborate First Republic Bank crises and how it will impact the future of small banks in the entire world. In addition he will also explain where to invest in such situation. What is First Republic Bank crises? Where to invest the Money? Where should Indians invests? Will Recession Come Again In India? Can we invest in Gold now ? what is us bank failure ? why us bank collapse ? ---------------------------------- Rahul Malodia is a professional CA, Management Consultant, And Business Coach. He started a revolution for Businessmen, with a mission in his eyes of Business Freedom. He begins with a basic session where you will find every aspect of your business. It is applicable to every business, be it big or small. ---------------------------------- Join Vyapari to CEO Class : Mobile : +91 7650067000 Email : contact@rahulmalodia.com ---------------------------------- ► Instagram: ► Facebook: ► Twitter: ► Linkedin: ► Telegram: ► FB Community: ► Website: ---------------------------------- #rahulmalodia #vyaparitoceo...(read more)

BREAKING: Recession News
REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation
The US bank crisis of 2008 was one of the biggest financial crises in the world. It was caused by a combination of factors, including greed, mismanagement, and risky investments. The crisis led to a recession that affected the entire world, including India. The US bank crisis was triggered by the collapse of the housing market. Many banks had invested heavily in risky mortgage-backed securities, which were essentially home loans bundled together and sold to investors. When homeowners started defaulting on their mortgages, the value of these securities plummeted, causing huge losses for the banks. The crisis quickly spread throughout the financial system, as other banks and investment firms had also invested in these risky securities. The banks began to hoard cash and stop lending to each other, which caused a liquidity crisis. This lack of liquidity led to the collapse of several major banks, including Lehman Brothers, which filed for bankruptcy in September 2008. The US government stepped in to bail out the banks, but the damage had already been done. The crisis led to the Great Recession, which was a prolonged period of economic downturn. The recession caused job losses, business closures, and a sharp drop in the stock market. Many countries, including India, were affected by the recession. India's economy was hit hard by the recession, as the country relies heavily on exports. The global downturn led to a decrease in demand for Indian goods, which caused a drop in exports. This, in turn, led to a slowdown in the Indian economy, causing job losses and a decrease in consumer spending. The Indian government took several measures to mitigate the impact of the recession, including stimulus packages and tax cuts. These measures helped to stabilize the economy, and India was one of the few countries to emerge relatively unscathed from the recession. However, the US bank crisis and the subsequent recession serve as a warning to the world about the dangers of unregulated financial markets. It also highlights the interconnectedness of the global economy and the need for strong cooperation and coordination among countries. In conclusion, the US bank crisis of 2008 had far-reaching consequences that affected the entire world, including India. While India was able to weather the storm relatively well, the crisis serves as a reminder of the need for caution and regulation in the financial markets. https://inflationprotection.org/an-explanation-in-hindi-the-possibility-of-another-recession-in-india-due-to-the-us-bank-crisis-presented-by-rahul-malodia/?feed_id=99450&_unique_id=6468d7f1d1084 #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #2008economiccrisis #bank #bankcrisis #bankcrisis2023 #bankdeposits #banksecurities #bankingcrisis #banks #bankscollapse #bankscollapse2023 #bankscrash #BigBanks #centralbanks #crisis #crisissiliconvalley #doddfrankact #financialcrisis #indianbanks #largestbanksintheus #lehmanbrothersbanks #liquiditycrisis #rahulmalodia #SignatureBank #siliconvalleybankcrisis #svbcrisis #USbank #usbankingcrisis #USbanks #whatissiliconvalleybank #RecessionNews #2008economiccrisis #bank #bankcrisis #bankcrisis2023 #bankdeposits #banksecurities #bankingcrisis #banks #bankscollapse #bankscollapse2023 #bankscrash #BigBanks #centralbanks #crisis #crisissiliconvalley #doddfrankact #financialcrisis #indianbanks #largestbanksintheus #lehmanbrothersbanks #liquiditycrisis #rahulmalodia #SignatureBank #siliconvalleybankcrisis #svbcrisis #USbank #usbankingcrisis #USbanks #whatissiliconvalleybank
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