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🚀 Lancement de mon nouveau programme TKL DM : Mon Programme best seller est de retour 💙 TKL LFA : 🆓 Reçois gratuitement le livre audio de mon best seller AGIR sur notre Club Privé AGIR : 🗂 Liste de lecture 00:00 💰 100% par an avec une action à dividendes 07:08 INVESTISSEMENT supérieur au SALAIRE 16:39 Prenez le contrôle de vos finances ! 20:44 Assurez votre retraite avec les actions à dividendes ! 30:30 Les 3 grands avantages des actions à dividendes 46:14 💰 Des revenus passifs sur la durée. 56:36 💰 une protection dans n'importe quel marché. 01:10:16 Les entreprises vont-elles continuer à verser des dividendes ? 01:12:42 Lutter contre l'inflation grâce aux actions à dividendes 01:14:28 🚨 Comment affronter la volatilité des marchés ? 01:20:53 Présentation de TKL Dividendes Mastery 01:24:49 A qui s'adresse TKL Dividendes Mastery ? ⚒️ Mes Outils Tradingview : Clickfunnels : Canva : ~ Liens Utiles ~ 🔗 ~ Les Incontournables de la liberté financière ~ 📊TKL BOURSE : 📈TKL BOURSE MASTERY : 🏠TKL IMMO : 🪙TKL CRYPTO : 🧠TKL MINDSET MASTERY : 💼TKL BUSINESS : ~ Programmes Avancés ~ 📈 TKL OMI - Options Mastery 💎 TKL VMM - Value Mastery Contacter la Dream Team TKL 📧 Email : 🆘 Notre support : ~ Mes Sites Officiels ~ 💻 Site : 📝 Blog : ⭐ Les avis des étudiants : ============== AGIR ou SUBIR ? À toi de choisir ============== 🚨 DISCLAIMER 🚨 Les vidéos et le contenu de Thami Kabbaj et de la TKL INSTITUTE DMCC sont destinés exclusivement à des fins pédagogiques, éducatives et informatives. Il ne s’agit en aucun cas d’une recommandation pour acheter ou vendre un instrument financier particulier. Trader les futures, les indices, les actions, les devises… peut comporter un risque de perte et ne convient pas à tous les investisseurs. Vous devez être conscient(e) des risques associés aux marchés financiers avant d’investir. Assurez-vous tout d’abord que vous êtes fait(e) pour le trading, que vous disposez des connaissances et des ressources financières nécessaires. Puis investissez uniquement le capital que vous êtes prêt(e) à perdre… Comme dans tout corps de métier, on ne devient pas un bon trader du jour au lendemain. L’excellence en trading requiert une période d’apprentissage qui est nécessaire et la réussite dans ce domaine ne doit laisser aucune place au hasard....(read more)

HOW TO: Hedge Against Inflation
REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation
Masterclass: Dividend Actions, the Ultimate Protection Against Stock Market Crashes and Inflation? The world of investing can be a tricky one to navigate, even for the most experienced of traders. With countless different strategies and approaches to choose from, finding the right investment approach for your goals and risk tolerance can be a daunting task. However, there is one strategy that has been gaining popularity in recent years for its potential to offer a powerful combination of income generation, capital preservation, and downside protection: dividend actions. Dividend actions, as the name suggests, refer to stocks that pay regular dividends to their shareholders. These dividends are typically paid out as a percentage of the company's profits and are designed to reward investors for holding onto their shares. By investing in dividend-paying stocks, investors can potentially benefit from a steady stream of income while also gaining exposure to the growth potential of the underlying company. However, dividend actions offer more than just a potential source of income. They also have the potential to provide a powerful hedge against two of the biggest risks that investors face: stock market crashes and inflation. Firstly, dividend-paying stocks tend to be more stable than non-dividend stocks during periods of market volatility. This is because companies that pay dividends are often more established and financially sound than companies that do not. They also tend to have more consistent earnings, which can help insulate them from sudden market downturns. Secondly, dividend actions have historically outperformed other investment strategies during periods of high inflation. This is because the income generated by dividend-paying stocks tends to rise alongside inflation, helping investors maintain their purchasing power during periods of rising prices. Of course, not all dividend-paying stocks are created equal, and it's important for investors to do their due diligence before investing. In particular, investors should look for stocks with a proven track record of consistent dividend payments and a sound financial standing. It's also important to consider other factors such as the company's industry and growth potential, as well as broader market trends. For those new to investing or looking to deepen their knowledge of dividend actions, a masterclass can be a valuable resource. These educational programs provide a comprehensive overview of dividend investing, including strategy development, stock selection, and risk management. With the right skills and knowledge, investors can potentially benefit from the powerful combination of income generation, capital preservation, and downside protection offered by dividend actions. #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #comprendrelabourse #devenirlibrefinancièrement #devenirriche #inflationhedgeinvestments #inflationprotection #investirenbourse #libertéfinancière #protectionagainstinflation #ThamiKabbaj #wealthprotection #InflationHedge #comprendrelabourse #devenirlibrefinancièrement #devenirriche #inflationhedgeinvestments #inflationprotection #investirenbourse #libertéfinancière #protectionagainstinflation #ThamiKabbaj #wealthprotection
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