Warren Buffet talks a little about how a good business is great inflation protection. 🔗Join the Patreon before it fills up: ✨Crypto exchange I use: Watch the full video that this clip is from on my main channel: 💵Get $10 in FREE bitcoin with $100 deposit to Coinbase: 📚 Learn how I earn $50,000+ per month on YouTube: 💎Get up to $250 in free crypto and 8% interest when you open an account a BlockFi 🚚My in-depth moving company course: 📷ALL of my camera and recording equipment: ✉️Get emailed to be notified of new posts and exclusive content. No sales. No BS. My Instagram: ...(read more)

HOW TO: Hedge Against Inflation
REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation
Inflation is the unstoppable increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over time. It is a persistent problem across the world, and businesses are not left out of its negative effects. Many businesses tend to suffer setbacks when inflation affects the economy, and their prices rise, but a good business is invincible to inflation. Business owners who want to survive inflation must have a plan that prepares the business for the occurrence of inflation. One way to do this is by diversifying their products and services. It is foolish to rely on only one product or service. Businesses can avoid or mitigate the effects of inflation by having a range of products or services to offer to their customers. Inflation will only affect a particular product category, and a diversified selection helps to balance the company's revenue streams. Another way that businesses could protect themselves from inflation is by negotiating long-term agreements with their suppliers. Long-term agreements with suppliers can lock in the costs of supplies for a more extended period, giving a business peace of mind. If the cost of supplies increases, then the business has a buffer created by the long-term contract and will not have to increase the cost of their products and services. A good business must set up efficient financial management systems. Inflation should not be an excuse for not keeping track of business expenses and revenues. Businesses need to keep an eye on their prices, costs, and margins to stay viable as inflation sets in. Budgets should be reviewed consistently to ensure that they are in line with the current economic climate. When expenses increase due to inflation, businesses must make the necessary adjustments to prevent them from going out of business. Business owners must continually innovate and adopt new technologies to stay competitive. Technological innovation can lead to increased productivity, lower costs in the value chain, and the deployment of new products. If a company continues to innovate, even when the economy is experiencing inflation, it can maintain the same level of output while reducing its expenses. By doing so, they could theoretically increase profits by lowering costs, which would help counter the effects of inflation. In conclusion, a good business is indeed invincible to inflation. Business owners that diversify their product range, negotiate long-term agreements with suppliers, set up efficient financial management systems, and innovate constantly will survive inflation and thrive. The key is for businesses to remain proactive in their approach to the problem of inflation. Instead of waiting for it to hit them, they must continually assess their situation and make changes to ensure their continued success. By doing so, businesses can come out on top and beat inflation at its own game. https://inflationprotection.org/inflation-has-no-power-over-a-strong-business/?feed_id=94774&_unique_id=6455f120b5f07 #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #BerkshireHathaway #howtoinvest #howtoinvestduringinflation #Howtoinvestininflation #inflationinvesting #inflationproofinvestments #inflationprotectedassets #inflationprotection #maxmaher #stockmarket #valueinvesting #warrenbuffett #warrenbuffett2021 #WarrenBuffettCNBC #warrenbuffettinflation #warrenbuffettinterview #WarrenBuffettinvesting #warrenbuffettportfolio #wealthprotection #InflationHedge #BerkshireHathaway #howtoinvest #howtoinvestduringinflation #Howtoinvestininflation #inflationinvesting #inflationproofinvestments #inflationprotectedassets #inflationprotection #maxmaher #stockmarket #valueinvesting #warrenbuffett #warrenbuffett2021 #WarrenBuffettCNBC #warrenbuffettinflation #warrenbuffettinterview #WarrenBuffettinvesting #warrenbuffettportfolio #wealthprotection
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