What can I do to bond with my newborn? When should you start playing with newborn? This are common questions. You can start playing with your newborn as soon as they are born. In fact, playing with your baby from the very beginning is important for their development and can help you bond with them. While newborns may not be able to interact or play in the same way as older babies, simple activities like making eye contact, talking to them, and using sensory toys can help stimulate their senses and promote their cognitive development. As a new parent, bonding with your new-born is crucial for their healthy development. Playing with your baby is a great way to build a strong connection while also stimulating their senses and cognitive abilities. In this video, we'll share 3 simple tips to help you play and bond with your new-born. Tip #1: Make eye contact and engage in facial expressions. Your baby will respond to your facial expressions and feel comforted when they see you smile. Tip #2: Use sensory toys and objects to stimulate their senses. Soft toys, rattles, and textured objects are all great choices for sensory play. Tip #3: Wear your baby to foster interaction. It’s a perfect vantage point for baby to see and play with you. Extra tip: Create a routine around playtime. Establishing a regular playtime routine with your baby will help them feel secure and comfortable. Choose a time of day when your baby is most alert and engaged. By following these tips, you can create a strong bond with your newborn and help them reach important developmental milestones. - - - - - - - - - Having a baby is one of the most amazing and life-changing experiences a woman can have. It's a time to connect with your body and your baby in a whole new way. Let's keep navigating these journey together. Don't miss our: Blog: Instagram: #newbornbonding #parentingtips #babyplaytime #sensoryplay #eyetoeyecontact #newparenting #babycare #babydevelopment #familytime #momandbaby #dadandbaby #parenting101 #bondingactivities #earlychildhooddevelopment #babyactivities #parentinghacks #momlife #healthybabies #motherhood #baby #newbornbaby #newborncare #newborn #momtobe #pregnancytips #babycare #babies...(read more)

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Becoming a new mom is one of the most rewarding experiences in a woman's life. It's a journey full of joy, excitement, and challenges. As a new mom, bonding with your newborn is essential to fostering a healthy and loving relationship. Here are three tips to help you play and bond with your newborn: 1. Skin-to-skin contact One of the best ways to bond with your newborn is through skin-to-skin contact. Skin-to-skin contact involves holding your baby on your bare chest, with a blanket covering both of you. This method is particularly helpful for newborns who are premature or have health issues, as it helps regulate their body temperature, breathing, and heart rate. Skin-to-skin contact also helps release hormones that promote bonding and breastfeeding. It can help reduce stress and anxiety in both you and your baby, leading to a more relaxed and calm state. So, make sure you spend as much time as possible cuddling and snuggling with your newborn. 2. Playtime Another excellent way to bond with your newborn is through playtime. Playtime can be anything from cuddling, talking, singing, or playing peek-a-boo. It's essential to keep things simple and straightforward, as newborns have short attention spans and limited vision. However, playing with your newborn helps stimulate their senses, promotes brain development, improves social skills, and enhances emotional bonding. It also provides an opportunity for you to learn your baby's likes and dislikes, which can be helpful in understanding their needs. 3. Baby-wearing Baby-wearing involves using a wrap, sling, or carrier to hold your baby close to you while you go about your daily activities. It's a great way to bond with your newborn and also keeps your hands free to do other things. Baby-wearing promotes skin-to-skin contact, helps regulate the baby's body temperature, and provides a sense of security and comfort for them. It also aids in physical and emotional development by promoting better communication and interaction with the world outside. It's important to note that some newborns may not enjoy baby-wearing or may need some time to adjust to it, so it's best to start slow and follow your baby's cues. In conclusion, bonding with your newborn is crucial in creating a healthy and loving relationship. It doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming; simple gestures like cuddling, playing, and baby-wearing can go a long way in establishing a meaningful connection with your baby. So, take these tips to heart and enjoy your journey into motherhood. https://inflationprotection.org/new-mom-tips-3-ways-to-play-and-connect-with-your-newborn/?feed_id=104728&_unique_id=647e417b72814 #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #BONDWITHMYBABY #Bondingandattachmentnewborns #bondingwithyournewborn #DoIhavetoplaywithmynewbornallthetime #Howdoyoustimulateandplaywithanewborn #newborn #Whatare2waysyoucanbondwithanewborn #Whatarethetipsforholdinganewborn #Whatarethree3waysthenursecanfacilitatebondingbetweenthenewbornandfather #WhatcanIdotobondwithmynewborn #Whatisthebestwaytoplaywithnewborn #Whenshouldyoustartplayingwithnewborn #TIPSBonds #BONDWITHMYBABY #Bondingandattachmentnewborns #bondingwithyournewborn #DoIhavetoplaywithmynewbornallthetime #Howdoyoustimulateandplaywithanewborn #newborn #Whatare2waysyoucanbondwithanewborn #Whatarethetipsforholdinganewborn #Whatarethree3waysthenursecanfacilitatebondingbetweenthenewbornandfather #WhatcanIdotobondwithmynewborn #Whatisthebestwaytoplaywithnewborn #Whenshouldyoustartplayingwithnewborn
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